Page 3 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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.. . The Gold Bug, ~tern Maryland College, Westminster.Md., September 27, 1945 PAGE THREE Excerpt From Rules Welcome, Freshmen! Shows Honor Plan Dear Freshmen, as world. We hope that you, the class of In Existence (For Freshmen Only) of rest in the students of the The Student Christian Association of Western Maryland College wel- '49, will join the rest of our college We invite your attention to the Well, "forty-niners," the list of big giving play that night, and besides, comes each one of you into its fellow- community in taking advantage of following excerpt from the rulebook things on your '45-'46 calendar has Fr-Iday (like Wednesday) will be a ship. A fellowship which transcends such a program of activities. It is the for women students put out by the started off with one of the biggest-- "five-dollar day". local and national boundaries out- product of combined student and fac- Women's .Student Government Asso- Freshman Week. That's when you Mid-semester grades wiII rear reaching students as well as faculty ulty thinking, and it represents their ciation. The following material, which learn that patience is indeed a vir- their ugly heads sometime toward members all over the entire world. best effort to be of real service to has been in the book for several years, tue, and you hope Milton was righf the end of November. We hope that This does not mean that faculty mem- you. apparently unnoticed, is found on when ~e said, "They also serve who they won't spoil your holiday enjoy- bers have equal voice with students, .We repeat how glad we are to have ment. but they have special functions to per- you in our midst, and we hope you pa'~;h~g~~;::h:t~~!~-{s95:f ~~:~~~:~ ~ ~~;t s;::?vea~:e:a~~;~:e~~:s~ot:t~; form in providing continuity and ex- will make the most of your college ex- Maryland College, r'ealizing the need in the past few days. Those few weeks between Thanks- net-fence. -perience. May we challenge you to of crystallizing their sense of honor, Cheer up, soon you'll be wishing giving and Christmas vacation will You may be interested to know that "Visualize the herculean task that has and averse to mechanical devices for you had time enough just to stand be so full of tests, Christmas pro- the Student Christian Association is been set before us at this time of the purpose, have adopted the follow- around and do not much of anything grams, tests, special services, tests, a fellowship of persons bound togeth- history. ing resolutions: instead of dashing to classes and and other activities (including tests) er by a clearly defined purpose----not We invite you to assume your mem- "1. We, the students of Western labs. Those books will take plenty that the candlelight Christmas ban- by a creed. Weare primarily a Chris- bership responsibility as if the future Maryland College, do hereby resolve of time, but even aside from them quet will be a memory almost before ~ian movement, an interdenomination- of the world depended upon what you to uphold individually and collectively you'll find all kinds of activities to it is renlity. You'll undoubtedly be al non-eccleaiastlcal lay movement. and your campus Christian Associa- the honor of the college, and do keep you busy. serenaded by the "grand old seniors" Students of other faiths, however, are tion do this year. In a very real agree to do all that lies within our There's a little W"'estern Mar-yland on their early morning caroling cordially welcome into our group. sense, the world does so depend. power to prevent any form of dishon- tradition known as "freshman initia- rounds, and you won't want to miss Your 'SCA has as its paramount Cordially, esty in our academic, political, athlet- t.ion" which will probably be catch- the beautiful SCA Christmas pro- objective to help each student develop 'rns SCA. ic, or social life, and to create a senti- ing up with you before long. A gram or any of the other Yuletide obsel~vances on campus. II. philosophy of life with a place for ment of cleanness and honor in our word to the wise: learn to recognize the facts of science, and an insight college. a sophomore while you are still out You'll be happy to be going horne for religion, social direction and so- WMC "2. We' expect each member of the of range. They're perfectly harm- Ioi- the holidays, but when that bus cial responsibility. This objective we Association to be honorably respon- less, and it's safe just to ignore actually pulls away from the Hill knowledge 'W~ hope to attain by emphasizing a pro- eible for reporting herself for any them-if you went out for track in you may be wishing that you could gram of worship, study, and action. BeiU dishonorable action. If she does not high school. (Ed. note-The GOLD pack up your college friends and sur- We affirm that a growing report herself and has been seen by a BUG receives no remuneration from roundings in your biggest suitcase of God comes through worship, seek- member of the Student Board, this 'the class of '48 for printing such un and take them right along with you. ing to discover His will for us. We member shall ask the girl to report an item). Mer-ry Christmas, every~dy! study the content of our faith and the June may be the traditional month herself. If she does not report herself Those who corne unscathed through After the first let-down in January world where it must be lived. We act for weddings, brides and roses, but within two days, that member shall the rigors of initiation will be all set at the thought of "getting back to in the light of our faith, remember- it wasn't the only time selected for report her to the Board. for a vis_it to Dogpatch, Skunk Hol- the grind", you'll fall back into rou- ing that God is the God of all men nuptials this past summer: every "3. In examinations, we consider low, and near-by parts when Sadie tine and take the inevitable batterv and of all aspects of life. The SCA vacation month saw Western Mary- it dishonest to ask for, or use, any Hawkins Day rolls around again this of end-of-the-semester tests an~1 program for the year ahead has been land students or alumni venturing books or papers in any manner not fall. High-lighting the leap-year- term papers in your stride. It won't set up having in mind the special into that famous "sea of matrimony". authorized by the instfuctor ; in re- style doin's of that day will be the be long until your first year at WMC needs of students on the Hill as well Nan Austin, ex-'47, and Carroll ports to instructors, to obtain ma- annual Sadie Hawkins Dance, so you is half gone! Doggett, '45, started the WMC ma- terial by such collaboration with oth- Daisy Maes and Sadies (if any) had Here we've taken you through a SCA Cabinet Plans trimonial Gatchell) when Ellie Marsh and er students as has not been approved better start sizing up some Li'J Ab- whole semester of Western only Se;tem- list (after Maryland were Lank they in conduct, in fail- by the instructor; events, ner that you might drag along to the and it is still Year's Activities married in Washington on Decora- ing to comply with the rules and reg- shindig when the time comes. ber! We've looked ahead a long- tion Day. Mii1y Lloyd, '46, and ulations governing social life as for- Some of you are probably already way, but with this glimpse of what At Fall Retreat Wally West, who was formerly here mulated and accepted by the Associa- looking forward to the first vacation is to come, you should breeze into on campus as a cadet, followed next tion." of the college year-yes, at Thanks- the days ahead with a keen sense of (Cont. from Page 1-Col. 1) in early June. Cecil Gunn, a gradu- We shall be interested in hearing giving you actually have no classes a"hticipation and zest for all that ate of the Westminster Seminary, your comments on and reactions to comes your way. ual value to the residents of the Hill. for a whole day! You'll want to In summing up the activities of the and Lou Olson, ex-'48 exchanged the ideas contained in this excerpt. corne back, though, for the Thanks- Have a good time, class of' '49! Char- week-end, Grace Jemison, president vows at about the same time. Howard '45, and lotte Macfformey, of the S.C.A., said: "The purpose of ~fie retreat was to reorganize the Stu- Hall, ex~'44, also had a June wed- Big And Little Sisters dent Christian Association system ding, and Paul Henry,_'44, and Miss and set up the year's program of re- Dorothy Reynolds, of Baltimore, took ligious activities. I feel that this pur- "the fatal step" on June 29th. Pumphrey; Irma Eney, Mary Ruth pose was accomplished successfully Hugh CUmmings, another Serainite, (Cont. from Page I-Col. 5) Brown, Dorothy Cathell; Betsy Bud- O'Kelly: Anna Mary Englar, Mary and I am very gr-ateful to the cabinet and Maudie Riely, ex-'48, were mar- Barker, Nancy Haskin; Ninita erer, Peggy Shinham; Beatrix Clarke, Lou Alexander. and the advisers for their hard work ried in July, and that's the only July Barkman, Marjorie Dassen ; Frances Thelma Evans; Maradel Clayton, Pa- and their sincere application to the marriage of Western Marylanders Bartley, Dorothy Anderson; Doris tricia Barrett; Marguerite Clossman, Eunice Evans, Jean Berryman; problems facing them. I believe we that we've heard about. August was Beatty, Lyle Johnson; Bettye Benson, Henrietta Jones; Betty Ann Coblentz, Oma Ruth Foster, Irene van Fossen; have a good year ahead in S.C.A. and the month chosen by Doris Kemp, Shirley Leese; Bertha Bern, Peggy Doris Hines; Louise Coleman, Polly Martha Fowler, Gladys Schlag; Doro- I want to thank all who have made it '46, and Eugene Boone, and by Au- Davis; Alethea Birkholz, Joanna Higgins. thy Gamber, Betty Leister; Betty possible." drey Donaldson, ex-'46, and Joe Hauver; Catherine Bishop, Mary Eleanor Collins, Dorothy Bopst; Glotfelty, Ann Fullerton; Mary Geary, '44. Todd; Jacqueline Blick, Nancy Bow- Frances Conaway, Theo Jones; Mar- Louise Gold, Winifred Shauek ; Char- At least two WMC.inspired wed- ers; Doris Jean Boller, Mary Lou garet Cook, Jean Burtis; Jean lotte Goodrich, Lee Beglin; Joyce Gor- dings took place in September; Pat Parris; Wanda Bradham, Ann Cain. Daughtrey, Mildred Vanderbeek; Bet- such, Beverly Holland; Eleanor Grau- Donovan, ex-'46, and John Vermil- Marilyn Brilha rt, Ruth Anderson; ty Mae Dean, Jane Dudderar; Joanne el, Mildred Amoss; Nancy Greer, yea, '44; and Charlotte Gross, ex-'47, Alice Brodrick, Daphne Clarke; Shir- Dillon, Betty Baker; Audrey Dixon, Frances Molesworth; Marian Greif- Miss Edith Bowling and "Peck' Bond, '45. The "marry- ley Brooks, EveJyn Clark; Carolyn Lucy Jane Stoner; Betty Jane Dixon, ensteiu, Jane Beall; Esther Gutbub, Blanche Ward Hall in'-bug" still scems to be at work, Brown, Annabelle Glockler; Charlotte Vernelle Ports; Mary Dixon, Mary Beverly Mulholland. Barbara Helldorfer; Hayes, Dear Edie, for Don Griffin, graduate of WMC Brown, Mary Jane Collard; Jeanne Davies; Barbara Dodd, Natalea Roberta Hiller, Sarah Marie Moffett: Ger- Congratulations on being elected and this Seminary, will be married trude Harris, Charlotte Palmer; Mil- Queen Nicotine XI. We'll be think- to Miss Frances Lunceford of Wash- licent Hilyard, Barbara Randall; 8, in the ington, on October Lewis ing of you and your court of eight Joyce Hinkle, Polly Shipley; Lenore attendants on the week-end of Oc- Memorial Methodist Church in Wash- Hoffman, Catherine Schumann; Jan- tober 5-6, when Governor Herbert ington. ice Howland, Katherine Brown; Fran- And so the year goes on, and the O'Conor crowns you at the Charles ces Inman, Mindelle Seltzer: Dorothy bells continue County Fair. wedding BUG will he to ring. The Johnson, Ann Little; Gladys Johnson, for listening GOLD "THE GANG" Ellen Piel; Joan Johnson, Gladys more news about happy Western Maryland couples. Sause; Betty Kahn, Betty Miller; Norma Keigler, Betty Powell; Fran- ces Keiser, Dorothy Bolles; Patricia Kolb, Virginia Powell; Dorothy Kull- mar, Janice Divers; Helen Lavin, Charlotte Suddith. Eleanore Lee, Betty Joy Morris; Ever since the spring of 1944 when (2) the amount of work done by Doris Linscott, Jean Shirley; Salle the Konorary senior women's organ- each officer or member, (3) the im- Lore, Fonda Boyer; Jean Lummis, ization known as the Trumpeters was portance of the organization on Marion Stoffregen; Nancy McAllis- inaugurated, the question has been campus, (4) the participation in de- ter, Betty Burgee; Annette McMahan, asked as to just how those five girls partmental aetivities. In addition Arlene Chen; Caroline McNabb, Em- are chosen each year. It .is the pur- to these, the personality and potent- majane Hahn; Katherine -Manlove, pose of ttis article to outline briefly iality of each girl were judged ;n Jean Hastings; Jean Milby, Ada the point system under which each the final decision. Thomas; Helen Miles, Jean Murray; junior girl is considered. The purpose of the Trumpeters is Virginia Miller, Suzanne Holston; There are seven major departments to provide a service organization for Jean Minnis, Jeanette Milholland. under the present point system. Thcy \v.M.C.; one which can help make the Jacqueline Morris, Betty ShocKley; are: leadership, scholarship, athle- campus a happier and better place Mary Mott, Frances Wahmann; tics, religious participation, depart- for all. It is the hope of the Elaine Ominsky, Beverly Hoffman; mental participation, social partici- Trumpeters that they may some day Patricia Outerbridge, Ruth Magin; pation, and work on the publications. see a chapter of Mortar Board, the Martha Anne Powell, Betty Armiger; Last year a tentative point system national honorary women's society, Mary Jane Price, Patricia Chatter- based on these seven departments firmly entrenched on the Hill. ton; Mildred Price, Audrey Clenden- was constructed by the Trumpeters. The newly adopted emblem of the ing; Helen Raschke, Adelaide Crow; Its reliability was tested by using it Tru'mpeters is a gold trumpet set 011 Janet Raubenheimer, Shirley Snyder; upon those who were the original a green diamond. J. Elizabeth Reamer, Ethel Sheeley. Trumpeters, and the necessary The girls of this year's senior class Louise Reese, Christine Royer; Vir· ehanges were made. who were tapped as Trumpeters last ginia Anne Riker, Marie Wilson; In distributing the points among spring are: Jane Dudderar, chair- IDESQUIRE.''''C .• 1.9," Doris Ritter, Shirley Jones; Lois the departments the following were man; Jane Beall, secretary; Mindelle Reprinted from the July issue of Esquire Royer, Mary J. Burkhardt; Dorothy taken into consideration: (1) the siu Seltzer, Keeper of the Scrap Book; "Have you beel! l{"uiti.'lg long, dear?" Rupert, Phyllis Honeman; Margaret of the organization or department, Grace Jemison, and Henrietta Jones. (Cont. on Page 4-Co1. 1)