Page 11 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 1, 1945 PAGE THREE Success Of Honor System Rests On Farmer Student Cooperation, Support Last night Dr. James addressed a joint meeting of To the Editor: butter and cheese and "cokes" just the Student Christian Association By Jane Dudderar Upon entering Western Maryland don't mix. It is rumored that such a and the Interracial Fellowship oC The W.M.C, Student Government to his own trustworthiness, but to the College, Freshmen were greeted with diet causes "college appendicitis". If Westminster on the topic of the r-ace has been interested for some time in trustworthiness of all schoolmates. If really wholesome food. With the ar- the meals in the dining-hall fail to problem. He spoke at the Seminary initiating an Honor System here on he should witness a violation of the rival of upperclassmen something satisfy the students' hunger, they on Thursday morning at ten o'clock, the Hill. Under this system there Code it would be his duty to report went haywire. The quantity of food will eat wherever and whatever they after which time he was available for would be few, if any of the customary the offense. This phase of the Honor was conspicuous by its absence. The can. Some attribute recent cases of conferences with any student who academic or social regulations. Free- System is one of the most difficult to quality began to sink, until now some illness, such as the near-epidemic a wanted to talk with him. dom from all supervision and control accept, yet one of the most advanta- food is hardly edible. Regarding the couple of weeks ago, to these irregu- The Relief Center at New Windsor would be given each student on his geous and practical. It keeps a rela- palatability of food, witness several lar eating habits. has sent out a call for help in sorting honor not to violate the terms of that tively small problem from increasing recent meals in which were found On the topic of Sunday evening and packing the clothes to be sent to freedom. unheeded, and is of service in the various colored and odd-shaped Cafeteria: What is going to happen Europe's needy. Anyone interested in long run to the offender . worms, a few rotten tomatoes, some to the poor students lined up the steps this work may sign up on the paper • Honor Cede uncooked "meat". in three feet of snow at 40 0 below posted on the bulletin board outside Every student before entering the .Tapping System It would be a good deed if dessert zero? They are greeted by "hearty" the dining hall. college would receive a copy of the he At Goucher College a very efficient were eliminated occasionally and cold sandwiches, "wholesome" potato Honor Code. Then upon enrolling The nursery school on Union Street would automatically become a mem- Honor System has been used for some more solid food were substituted chips, "cold" milk-when available, wpich was held last year for Negro time. Under that system a "tapping" (meat and vegetables). It has even and a delicious chilled dessert. children of pre-school age has not yet ber of the Honor Code organization procedure takes place in the class- come to the point where one seldo~ Due to the wholesome, nourishing started to function this year. For- and it would be his duty to uphold room. If a student observes an of- leaves the table without going to the meal I have just enjoyed, I shall ad- merly, some of the college girls went the system in every detail, abiding by fense during an examination he grill for additional nourishment. Also journ to the "grill" for an evening its regulations and respecting and us- to the Masonic Hall several after- merely taps sharply his own pen or there has been a noted lack of milk snack. noons a week to look after the chil- ing its privileges intelligently. pencil to attract the attention of the and bread at some of the recent I'M HUNGRYl I'M HUNGRY! dren. If you would like to participate .E):am Pledge offending student. In the event that meals. I'M STILL HUNGRYl in this project, contact Betty Little, At Randolph Macon Woman's Col- the violation is continued the witness- It has been alleged that eating af- -SAM KEIFFER. in Blanche Ward Hall, as soon as lege each examination paper is sub- ing student may request the offender ter ten (P.M.) isn't good for the sys- (Ed. note: Our only comment is possible. mitted with the following pledge to be to report to a student Judicial Board, tem. At that time of evening peanut the cartoon which is printed below.) signed: "I hereby pledge that I have or she may report the violation her- The annual White Elephant neither given nor received unauthor- self. Dance, sponsored by the Internation- ized aid in this work." At Mary Baldwin College the entire al Relations Club, has been planned In all situations each student would student body assembles for the trial for Saturday, November 17, from have a "dual responsibility"; that is, of the offender. If he is found guilty 7:30-10:00 p. m., according to Wayne responsibility for himself and re- he must leave the campus within 24 Cowan, chairman, and Mindelle Seltz- sponsibility for his fellow students as hours. er, co-chairman. well. He must not only be attentive e Ccnstrucnve Spirit Featured again this year will be It must be realized that to have an the "white elephant" auction and the Regulations For Events efficient and constructive Honor Sys- ~.I'SQ1Jll'lf:.tNC .• '9" jitterbug contest for the "[Ivers". tem there must be absolute coopera- Reprinted from the November issueof Esquire Any "white elephants" available to Staled By Committee tion among student body, faculty, and be sold at the dance will be collected administration. Each person is an ac- in the various dormitories by I.R.C. (Cent. from Page 2, Col. 3) tive member. The success of this sys- Purpose Stated, Committees Listed For representatives. Refreshments will be are involved. However, if the sched- tem, were it brought to W.M.C., acceptance depend would the upon on sale. uled activity is to last after 10:00 p. and observance of the system, based Annual WSSF Drive On The Hill m. an application blank obtained The first game of the hockey sea- from the office of the Dean of Men upon each student's personal honor son was played 01). October 29 he- must be filled in and submitted to the and his respect for the honor of (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) be assisted by Ruth O'Kelley and Na- tween the Senior and Freshman A Student Activities Committee for ap- W.M.C. ence with conditions as they actually omi Harper on the first floor; Betty second teams. A very fast and close game proval one month before the date of are "over there" through his person- Schmidt on and the Margaret floor; Pat Chatterton Eierman resulted in a 0-0 tie. The game fea- cludes the time, the place, the enter- Inquiring Reporter al experience. the event. The desired information in- tured excellent defense work from Mr. Ernest L. Schofield, the Exec- on the third floor and Catherine both teams. tainment planned, the names of four Finds Good Response utive Secretary of the World Student Schumann on the fourth floor. The second game of the season faculty sponsors, the proposed bud- Service Fund in this country, spoke .McDanil?1 Crew played on Tuesday, October 30, be- get, the kinds of refreshments, the To Rec Room also with reference to the work being The cohorts of Chairman Fonda tween Sophomore and Junior A admission fee, and the names of the done throughout this country for the Boyer in McDaniel Hall are to be, on t8!lms,. resulted in a 1-0 score with committee members sponsoring the (Cont. from Pogc 1, Col. 4) fund and told numerous true stories the first .-rlccr,. Pr-ancesM"'"w,",",---". the Soph's victorious. Excellent de- event. of experiences of persons who are and Gerrie Harris; second fioor, Shir- fensive playing was again evident. The application blank must be ac- Because I do not desire to hang here in this country. ley Leese and Joy Morris; third companied by a five dollar deposit from a tree in the cold gray dawn, I fioor, Mary Sands. and Maradel Clay- Iota Gamma Chi has reeently when Blanche Ward Gym is to be must not tell who said that this new e Conterenee Attendants ton; and fourth floor, Sally Lore and moved its club room in McDaniel used and by a ten dollar deposit Ree Hall is just the place to make Those persons who attended the Dorothy Kullmar. Hall. The new room is much larger when Gill Gym is to be used. Three those "social contacts" necessary to conference were Janice Divers, Fern and has been made very attractive. dollars of this amount will be spent the completion of Earp's family Ray, Marion Stoffregen, Betty Mae .ANW Committee Its pledges for the year are as fol- to pay the janitor for cleaning the course. They suggest that the motto Powell, Vcrnelle Ports, Virginia Voor- The girls in Albert Norman Ward lows: Audrey Clendening, Martha rooms, and the remainder of the sum be "From friendship to marriage." hees. Frances Molesworth, Wayne H. Hall will function under the leader- Messler, Anna Jones, Mary Hersh- will be returned to the student com- • Boaster of Spirit Cowan, John Barnes, Mary a:nd Vir- ship of Helen Miles. They are Nintta feld, Dorothy Santini, Mildred Ship- mittee sponsoring the function, pro- And when the "Keeper of the ginia Dodd, John Dorsey, Enrique Barkman and Jean Lummis ; Jean ley, and Mary Jane Biddle. vided that no damage has been done Keys" understands that the newly Lamadrid, Grace Jemison, Ninita Milby and Joan Parker; Doris Ritter Phi Alpha Mu was responsible for to school property. When decorations baptized center is to be open all day, Barkman and Helen Miles. and Barba';; Dodd; and Betty Mark decorating the dining hall so at- arc used for activities ending at 10 so that we can drop ill during our The organization here on the camp- and Phyllis Weaver, representing the tractively for the Hallowe'en dinner p. m., students may remain until ten- free periods, we really will have i us has enlisted the support of many first, second, thir-d and fourth sec- last week. Twenty-five girls were thirty to straighten and clean the positive booster for that happy old persons. Betty Powell will be chair- tions of the dormitory respectively. pledged this year-Kitty Brown, Bess spirit of the "Green and the Gold." man of Blanche Ward Hall and will Marion Stoffregen is in charge of Butler, Janet Duffy, Annabelle Glock- faculty ·solicitation and John Dorsey ler, Betty Green, Naomi Harper, Dot- is handling the publicity for the cam- ty Jacobson, Joan Johnson, Betty paign, Keckler, Mae Lang'ra'll, Betty Little, Peg Nichols, Mary Ruth O'Kelly, Lou Parris, Pat Patterson, Elinor Rogers, Gladys Sause, Louise Scott, Peggy Shinham, Tillie Sloan, Dorothy Smith, Mary Alice Taylor, Betty Dr. Kathryn B. Hildebran, head of Mason, Lee Somerville, Shirley Tu5- the Western Maryland Modern Lang- tie. uage Department and professor of French and Spanish, is the new pres- Delta Sigma Kappa were en- ident of the Modern Language Divis- tertained at "Neeta" Richardson's house last Saturday night. They ion of the Maryland State Teachers' plan to attend the Navy-Michigan Association. Dr. Hildebran was game on November 10 at the Balti- elected to her new office at the meet- at ing of the Teachers' Association more Stadium. Its pledges are Bever- Eastern High School in Baltimore ly Wallis, Dorothy Cathell, Martha Witter, Betty Armiger, Ruth Ander- last Friday. At same son, Dotty Wilder, Addie Crow, Mar- Maryland the graduate, time, Mrs. a \Vestern Virginia gie Eierman, Charlotte Haile, Phyllis Sweeney Ballard, was elected secre- Honemann, Pat Chatterton, Pat tary-treasurer of the Modern Langu- Brown, Jackie Kingsley, Christine Royer, Mary Jo Lyon, Hope Kellam, age Division. Mrs. Ballard is now Mary Dexter, Daphne Clark, Jan Lee teaching five classes of French at the Glen Burnie High School. Ganz, MiIlv Segers. Anne Murphy, Beverly Hoffman, Marcia Koblegard, Miss Thelma Helen Wymer. western Maryland Morris, graduate of is now in 1944, Dr. and Mrs. Marshall entertained as an airline with Sigma Sigma Tau at an informal Just a reminder, dug up from our working Pennsylvania Central hostess Airlines the get-tol!"ether after Chapel lasb Sun- files of cuts, that Western Maryland (PCA) and living in Washington. day. Mrs. Marshall, the sororitv's ad- at one time enjoyed football games viser, went throug-h the formal initia- right here on Hoffa Field. We can tion wit~ the rest of the j!"irls. Mem- now begin to hope and plan for the Sgt. Ed. Nygren, former WMC stu- bers of the sorority are planning to day when football and other inter- dent, has been given an opportunity entertain their little ststars at a tea collegiate sports will again return to to study for two months at the Sor- Now stationed sometime in the near future. the Hill and boost Wl\IC spirit to a bonne, in Paris. Nygren will take up in Holland, Sgt. The pledges are Hazel Weeks. Mar- new high. With some of our boys tha Adams, Sallv Smith, 'Eleanor planning to return, and' more men his studies in Pari!! in the near fu- Maryland, Western Sehil"\re, Jean Kelbaue-h,'Lyle John- entering college, this may not lie too ture. While at served as president of Sgt. Nygren son, Jeanne Stein, Katherine Froun- far in the future, the. Frenah Club and majored in telter, Susan ~teelma.n. and Terry llurkhardt. l!'1'6DI:Q...