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BASKETBALL LETIFRS ON SCHEDULE VACATION PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Vol. 23, No.4 WESTERl" MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. November IS, 1945 IRe Will Be Sponsor Of Annual Ward Leads Drive TenWMC Seniors Chosen As Reports Come In HWhite Elephant Dance" In Gym For Student Who'~ Who According to latest official reports Fred Saturday Night, November 17 announced by combined Morgan, chair- man of the URAC- WSSF drive on the Hill, Ward Hall is lead- Annual Publication To Indude Biographies Of Members of the student body will ly Smith. Henrietta Jones, chairman ing the dormitories with a total con- Seloct.d Western Maryland (ollege Leaders dance to the syncopation of some of of the refreshment committee, has an- tribution of $205 in cash and pledges. America's best known orchestras this nounced that there will be hot dogs With solicitation far from being com- Ten Western Maryland seniors have been selected as out- Saturday from 7:30 to 10:00 P. M. in and Pepsi-Colas for sale during the pleted, the total stands at only $762 standing personalities, to be listed in Who's Who Among Students the Blanche Ward Gym as the Inter- dance. for the entire college community. in American Universities and Colleges, 1945-46 edition. These national Relations Club sponsors its Mlndelle Seltzer and Wayne H. Albert Norman Ward is runner-up students, chosen on the basis of character, scholarship, leadership annual "White Elephant Dance." The Cowan, co-chairmen of the Committee at this stage of the drive with a total in extra-curricular activities, and potentiality for future usefulness charge for admission is 15c stag and planning the event, have stated that: of $179, while McDaniel Hall follows to business and society, will have biographical sketches appear in 25c drag. "Any profits which are made on the with $159.50. The faculty takes the the annual publication, scheduled for release in May, 1946. This social affair will be highlight- dance will go toward the sending of next place with $126, and Blanche Those chosen for the national hon- Ed by an auction of "White Ele- delegates to various conferences, such Ward Hall reports $56.50. The day "The Royal Family" or are: John L. Dorsey, Jane Dud- phants" which will be conducted by as the regional conference which will student pledges and cash contribu- derar, Grace Jemison, Henrietta John Dorsey, vice-president of the be held in late March at Madison Col- tions total $38. No figures are yet Committees And Cast Jones, Enrique Lamadrld, Fred Mor- IRe. Many persons are now in the lege, and paying for the expenses of available on the progress of the gan, Vernelle Ports, Mindelle Seltzer, process of canvassing the campus for speakers." drive in McKinstry Hall. Changes Revealed , Virginia Voorhees, and Marie Wil- these items which are to be auction- son. ed. Those persons involved in the col- "The Royal Family," starring Glo- Who's Who is a publication sum- lections are as follows: Ethel Sheeley, Freshman Previewer Anticipates ria Mathias and Marjorie Little, and marizing the "college careers of those Beverly Holland, Mary Elizabeth directed by Miss Ruth Beth Watts, students who have attained outstand- Todd and Janice Divers, who will Favorable Reception Of Play will be presented on Thanksgiving ing recognition in colleges and uni- cover floors one to four respectively Day at 8: 15 P. M. in Alumni Hall. versities throughout America. A re- in Blanche Ward Hall. In McDaniel By Bettve Benson Miss Watts has announced a re- view of the student's college life is Hall the soliciting is being handled cent change in the cast for the pro- sent to his local paper and a record by Geraldine Frizzell, first floor; Jane Wires and ropes, ligbts and props, we decided to sit it out in the dark. duction. wtlltam Cook, who has re- of an employment form is kept by the Harris, second floor; Virginia Dodd, and through it all-sweet notes of We were just creeping toward a cently returned to the campus, will publishers of Who's Who for the third floor; and Virginia Wott, fourth swing music. That's what we met piano when one of the cast groped replace Robert Wesley, a Seminary benefit of business firms who wish to floor. Helen Miles, Gladys Schlag, when we meandered over to Aluntni student, in the role of Gilbert Mar- obtain the cream of college graduates Ginger Miller, and Ennice Evans are Hall to catch the rehearsal of this shall. Before leaving the Hill in 1944, for employment. contributing their efforts in Albert ycar's Thanksgiving play-"The Mr. Cook appeared in several plays, Fullowing is a brief summary of Norman Ward, while Ernest Twigg Royal Family." Rehearsal was called among them, Junior Miss and The the record of each one chosen from and John Barnes are managing the for 4:00 (we thought), so we felt it Pot Boiler. the Western Maryland College stu- contributions in McKinstry and Ward was only natural to find one Jay Other western Marylanders who dent body: Halls respectively. Cummings (electrician) on the job are taking part in The Royal Family John L. Dorsey, of Baltimore, is Hilmcre Langrall is the publicity before the gang arrived. We got ac- are Lucy Jane Stoner, _Jack Neville, president of the Men's Student Gov- chairman, assisted by Beverly 'Val- quainted with the various doorbells, Bert Harrison, Mindelle Seltzer, Bar- ernment, president of the Wesleyans, lace, while Chris Royer is handling chimes, and other gadgets which he bara Richter, Wayne Cowan, Sam vice-president of the International the records and entertainment. The was testing, especially when 11e tried Keiffer, Gloria Mathias, Marjorie Lit- Relations Club, publicity chairman of gym will be decorated by a committee them out on us to view their effects. tle, Enrique Lamadrid, Edgar Ham- the Student Christian Association, working under the leadership of Sal- wandermg around backstage we mersla, Thomas Holt, John Barnes, and u mombor o~ the Sunday Echool~ found the source of the swing music and Paul Kaetzel. Cabinet. He is a pre-ministerial stu- and decided phonographs were still a Vernelle Ports and Kathleen Nay- dent, majoring in sociology. Announcement Made wonderful institution for any man's lor are stage managers for the pre- Jane Dudderar, of Union Bridge, Of Special Services, money. After fifteen minutes of "just- sentation, and committees have been Md., a music major, is president of 4, Col. 1) (Cont. on Page (Cont. looking" we decided to be more scien- 011 Page 3, Col. fj) Thanksgiving Plans tific and caught up the dialogue book ll to get a look at the inside dope. We A special Thanksgiving communion liSt range Fruit Wins Acclaim Of service will be held in Baker Chapel on Tuesday, November 20, at 6:45 P. Gloria Mathias Drama Critics In Boston Premiere M. as the SeA holiday observance her way stage-ward and called a with Dr. Ensor presenting the com- hearty "Hello!" in our direction. We By lHindelle Seltzer and Dot Anderson munion meditation. found out this early bird was Lucy Strallye Fruit, the vivid play by a packed house at the Plymouth e gunday School Program Jane Stoner ("Della" of the cast) Lillian Smith, has been acclaimed by Theatre. The William G. Baker Sunday and neither of us could produce a critics ill Montreal, Toronto, and Bos- Both Miss Esther and Miss Lillian School will present the second light. Then came the dawn, Miss ton, where it has been presented to Smith have lived in the South and Thanksgiving devotional service on (Qont. on Page 3, Col. 2) large and intensely interested audi- had excellent opportunity to observe Sunday, November 18, at 9:15 A. M., ences, breaking box office records. It the Negro problem. While on campus also to be held in Baker Chapel. This Girl's Glee Club Offers opened on November 12 ill Philadel- Miss Esther Smith took an active will be a student worship program phia for two weeks, and following part in the Inter-racial Fellowship under the direction of Milly Lloyd Christmas Program this run will go immediately to New and was keenly interested in race re- West and Harold Lewis. The student York. lations ill Westminster. speakers featuring the program are The Girls' Glee Club, under the .Miss Esther Smith In Play as follows: direction of Miss Grace Cordia Mur- Miss Esther Smith has been on Thanksgiving and the Victor, Jane ray, will present a musical program leave of absence for two years, help- Beall; Thanksgiving and the Loser, at the annual meeting of the Car- ing her sister to dramatize her novel Harold Lewis; Thanksgiving and the roll County branch of the Amer-ican and now has a minor but coordinat- Veteran, Bert Harrison; Thanksgiv- Association of University Women at ing part in the stage production. ing and the Student, Wayne Cowan; Marjorie Little 7:45 P. 1'11., December 4, 1945, in Mc- Produced and staged by Jose Fer- Thanksgiving and the Christian, Daniel Lounge. Dr. Mudge and rer, who played Iago in Paul Robe- Grace Jemison. These student talks ran through the prop list, glanced Mrs. Wenner will be hostesses for son's Othello, the play was declared will be of three minutes duration. The over costumes, read a few lines of the occasion. by one critic to be "a faithful serious choir under the direction of Audrey stage directions and just generally The musical program is in two work that proclaims its origins at ev- Clendening will sing a special num- got into the spirit of the whole thing. parts. The first part is a group of ery step of the way and so possesses, ber. Frances Barkley, a transferred 'Veil, we were sadly-shaken when, to three Yuletide songs: "Alleluia" by much of the time, a flavor more liter- junior, will be the soloist of the our chagrin, we were informed the W. A. Mozart, "The Slumber of the ary than dramatic in quality. I am morning. Autumn foliage decorations rehearsal had been cancelled. Please Infant Jesus" by Francois Auguste willing to wager that few dramatic will be arranged by J ean--McDowell return a-t 7:00 P. M.! Gevaert, and "Glory to God In The works that reach the stage this sea- and George Baldwin. Fifteen minutes ahead of time we Highest" by Giovanni Battista Per- son will excite the interest and stim- stumbled into the sparsely-lit Alum- golesi. .Thanksgiving Menu ni Hall, dropped our belongings on a These will be followed by several ulate the public debate likely to at- tend Strange Fruit." On Thanksgiving Day, November chair and fumbled toward the stage. familiar Christmas carols, sung by a 22, the students will eat dinner in an Not knowing where the lights were, group of girls inside a Christmas • Georgia Town atmosphere of candlelight- in the col- tree. Tile tree will be so construct- The play tells the story of the lit- lege dining hall. According to Miss ed that only the girls' heads will be Miss Esther Smith tle town of Maxwell in Georgia, deal- Ruth the menu will be composed of WSG Invites Faculty, visible, one from each branch. Miss ing particularly with the tale of the Wegman, college dieti- acting tian, Murray, who saw this feature suc- The voices of the critics have been Deens and the Andersons. The Deens the following: tomato juice cocktail, Student Body To Tea cessfully presented in Germany, first anticipated by Western Marylanders are white, the Andersons--Nonnie, roast turkey, giblet gravy, oyster suggested it to the Club. because of the distinctive part which Bess, and Ed-are Negroes, college dressing, cranberry sauce, candied The Women's Student Government Anot.her feature of the evening will Miss Esther Smith, Professor of bred but so far as the girls are con- sweet potatoes, frozen asparagus, cordially invites the faculty and stu- be two medieval readings by Dorothy Dramatic Arts at western Maryland cerned, too closely tied to their homes sauerkraut, hot biscuits, butter, cel- dents of Western Maryland College to KuUmar: "The Thunder Oak" by Wil- College, has taken in the preparation to break away and go North. So they ery hearts, olives, pickles, hot mince a tea in McDaniel Lounge on Sunday, liam S. Walsh and "A Christmas of the stage production. find work not equal to their educa- pie a la mode, nuts, coffee, and fresh December second; juniors and fresh- Guest" by Selma Lagerlof. Eyes were focused on Boston, as tion, and Nonnie's lifelong love for fruit. men between the hours of four and In order to create a holiday-like Miss Lillian Smith's dramatization of Tracy Deen culminates in an affair Breakfast will be served at nine four-thirty, seniors and sophomores atmosphere, the lounge will be dec- Strange Fruit, adapted from the nov- that results in her becoming preg- and dinner at two o'clock. Classes between four-thirty and five o'clock. orated with candles, wreaths, and el which is banned in the city, had nant. will be suspended for the day. holly. its Boston Premiere October 29 before (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1)