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AL:L-AMERICAN COLLEGE RATING CALENDAR PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Vol. 23, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMlNS;rER, MD. October 11, 1945 Fred Morgan Wins S.enior Class Pr'esidency Ferguson Soon To Resume Place Seniors Lead As Snyder Re-Electea ByJuniors; ~nWMC Athletic Program Sixty-Four Make Sophomores Name Burgess Thoughts Turn To Championship Teams Fall Dean's List As Former WMC Mentor Returns Vice-presidents Are Seltzer, Senior; Hopes for more winning basketball squads on the Hill have Honor Roll And Dean's Hahn, Junior; Brohawn,.Sophomore risen to a new high this week, since Dr. L. Forrest Free, Dean of List (lariRed For Students Fred Morgan has won the coveted position as president of the Men and Acting Head of the Physical Education Department, has senior class for the 1945-1946 college year, with Shirley Snyder revealed in an interview that Bruce E. Ferguson, former basket- Sixty-fOUl" students have earned and Lionel Burgess respectively heading the junior and sophomore ball coach, will return from the Army in the very near future. the privilege of being on the Dean's classes, according to official returns from the election held on Mon- Capt. Ferguson is expected to enter the separation center to- List for the first semester of the day morning in assembly, released today by Henrietta Jones, presi- day, and it is anticipated that he will arrive at his home here in 1945-1946 year, according to Miss dent of the WSG, and her committee, who tabulated the results. Westminster near the end of the week. Dean Free stated that the Martha Manahan, registrar, by at- Fred, who held the office of vice· date of his return to the faculty is still indefinite, but will be de- taining nn average of "B" or better president of the class of '46 in thc termined soon. in the second semester of last year. MSG Council Holds past school year, was one of three of The seniors take first place with a .1935 Grad the First Meeting And last year's junior class officers to be Graduating from Western Mary- total of twenty-eight students, re-elected. Donald Capobianco, who with in a close-second land with an A.B. degree in May, sophomores while the juniors have a Elects Officers served as president for 1945-1946, 1935, Ferguson came back to his twenty-five, will assume the role of treasurer, Alma Mater in the fall of the same total of eleven. The Council of the newly formed while Jeanne Berryman, class histor- year to accept the position of assist- Following are the names of those Men's Student Government held its ian last year, will fill the same of- ant instructor in the physical edu- students who comprise the Dean's first meeting the night of October fice for the current school term. cation department. DUring his stay List for the first semester, 1945- 8 and elected officers. John Dor- The other leaders elected by the here, he was a three-letter-man, play- 1946: sey was announced 'as the new Pres- seniors are newcomers on the roster ing football, basketball and baseball. Seniors: Owen -Arrington, John ident. Fred Morgan ,"liiU assume the of this class: Mindelle Seltzer, vice- He was the blocking back lor Bill Dorsey, Harold Lewis, Fred Morgan, duties of the Vice-President and' president, and Edna Haller, secre- Shepherd who was a brilliant open Jean Anderson, Winifred Baker, Fred Brown, the Secretary-Treasurer. tary. field runner, having led the nation in Grace Bevard, Doris Kemp Boone, Other members are Herbert Doggett, Shirley Snyder will serve in the scoring in the 1934 season, and it Bertha Britner , Barbara Brower, and Josh Ensor, Juntors ; Kenneth capacity of president of the class of has been hinted that Shepherd's suc- Jane Dudderar, Grace Jemison, Hen- Bouchelle, Charles Brooks, and 1947 for the second consecutive year. cess was in no small part due to the rietta Jones, Theodora Jones, Betty George Can, Sophomores. Fresh- Assisting her in the management of fine blocking of Ferguson. He re- Leister, Marjorie Little, Gloria Ma- men win be called upon to elect two the junior class will be: Emajane ceived his master's degree from Co- thias, Shirley Noll, Charlotte Palm- representatives within the next Hahn, vice-president; Joanna Hauv- lumbia University. er, Ellen Piel, Vernelle Ports, Barbara week. er, secretary-treasurer; Sarah Mar- Randall, Janet Lee Reese, Winifred The re-creation of the Men's Stu- tha Moore, aergeant-et-arms ; and Shauck, Jean Shirley, Marie Stew- dent Government was effected Mon- Margaret Statler, class historian. Under his unrestrained mentor- Capt. B. E. Ferguson (Cont. on Page 3, Col. 5) The uophomcrcs have elect!.'.!l... , Western Maryland basket- day, October 1, at a meeting of the Lionel Burgess to guide their class was meeting ball team copped the Mason-Dixon upperclassmen. The over by Lincoln through the 1945-1946 year. Donald called and presided championship in 1941, after a tough Gold Bug Reorganizes For 1945-46 Forrest Free, Dean of Men and ad- Brohawn, who acted as treasurer (If fight in which they defeated Loyola the class last year, will be Lionel's In an ad- College by a hair-raising 39-38 score viser to the organization. the Dean call- "right-hand man" this year in the a: sim- With Complete Shift In Personnel dress to the gathering in the finals. This duplicated ed for the election of such a body to office of vice-president. Other sopho- ilar feat in which they knocked off insure the well-being and the prop- mores selected as class leaders are: Washington College by a 88-37 count Statler Is Managing Editor, Advisory Board Named, er representation of the men among Sarah E. (Sally) Smith, secretary; in the semi-finals. From the begin- Changes And Other Promotions Announced the organi:rntions of the Hill. He Dorothy Wilder, treasurer; and ning he was successful, for in his Mary Hershfeld, class historian. first seyon, 1935-1936, the "Green A complete revamping and reor- year as make-up co-editor will be stressed the approaching return to The freshman class will hold an Maryland and Gold" ended up third in the. ganization of the Gold Bug staff has done in addition to his feature writ- normalcy of Western the further Col- election sometime in January, after lege life and urged ac- league. been effected, according to the ing. MindelIe Seltzer, Margaret tive participation of men in student members of the class have had an • Called To Service changes and promotions for the first Statler, Mary Davies, and Enrique uftuirs. opportunity to become acquainted Ferguson was called to the serv- semester of 1945-1946, announced to- Lamadrid have worked on the Gold One of the first projects to be with the merits of their fellow stu- ice of his country on March 7, 1941, day by Miss Virginia Voorhees, edi- Bug in various positions alI during (Cont. on Page 3, Col. 1) dents. from the reserve and was assigned tor-in-chief, after consultation with their college careers. to Aberdeen Proving Grounds as Mrs. Evelyn Wenner, faculty advis- • Student Reactions Post Athletic Director. Taking ad- er of the paper. A new student advisory board has National Sadie Hawkins Day Dance vantage of the fine material present, e Lamudrjd News Editor also been named for the current he placed on the floor a team which With this issue, Margaret Statler semester. This group was on the To Be Held November 3 In Gym estab- captured the championship. becomes managing editor, a position lished last year, in an attempt Soon after this he returned once left vacant since Mary Virginia Webb part of the Gold Bug staff to learn more to hie Alma Mater, this time left the staff last February. Enrique (Cont. on Page 3, Col. 2) Dogpatch Brought To Life to serve as an instructor in military Lamadrld replaces Fred Morgan and science and tactics in the military Margaret Statler as news editors, By Favorite Characters department. He was assigned to with Jean TuB as his assistant, One of the most eagerly anticipated events on Western Mary- over his WMC "Airplane" the ASTP Unit when it arrived here Charles Brooks has turned land's social calendar is the annual Sadie Hawkins dance which is on the campus and coached the unn's last year's duties as feature editor One of the latest additions to basketball quintet. Dur-ing- this per- to Mary Davies for this semester, Western Maryland's post-war ex- held in Blanche Ward Gym. On this day, the only one of all the year, Emily Post's Handbook on Social Behavior is laid aside and iod, he was promoted to his present and has assumed the responsibilities pansion program is the United Al Capp and his lovable comic strip characters are allowed to take rank of captain. of one of the two newly-appointed States Army's renowned Link Train- over with a grand display of their singularly Dogpatch customs. Fern ". (Cont. on Page 3, Col. 4) make-up editors. The other make- up editor is Don Capobianco. This ground flying airplane is to • Girls' Big Chance But for all you non-Dogpatchers Ray replaces Enrique Lamadrid and For once the gals may court (with- who've never heard Mammy Yokum B.ltimore Concert Pianist Mary Davies in the realm of copy be used to give those enrolled in the out any raising of eyebrows or wag- tell "her chill un" of how Sadie Hawk- train- course Aeronautical proposed editing. ging of tongues from the sidelines) ins Day came to be, suppose I tell you To Give V.ried Program .Selher Business Manager ing in flying conditions and sensa- any male that might be particularly the whole story right now .. just tions. It is possible to produce with MindeUe Seltzer, in the capacity appealing. There's only one hitch to as Mammy told it to me. conditions ex- October19, Levine Hall of business manager, will control the the use of this trainer airspeed of 250 ·this special privilege, girls ... and .Tale of Sadie Hawkins the at perienced Shura Dvorine, well-known pianist finances of the Gold Bug this sem- miles per hour. Tailspins, dives, that is that in Sadie's time there were "Once upon a time, a daughter was of Baltimore, will give a recital on ester. Lucy Jane Stoner has taken and other stunts may be reproduced enough men to go around. Unfortu- born to Hekzebiah Hawkins, one of as many there are five times nately Friday, October 19, at 8 :00 p. m. in over Mindelle's former position as by controls and with the use of an Sadies on campus as there are Li'l the first settlers of Dogpatch .. On her Levine Music Hall. advertising manager, and John exact reproduction of the panel Abners, which means, and a word to 20th birthday, Sadie, as she was The artist is the son of Dr. and Baines will assume the duties of cir- board of the army AT120, one of called, came to the sad realization Mrs. Israel Dvorine of 2328 Eutaw culation manager, formerly executed the army's finest training planes. the wise is sufficient, that you gals that unlike other girls her age she be gettin' had better your drags lined Place, Baltimore. Beginning his mu- by •Fred Brown and Hilmore Lang- According to Dr. Summers, head had no husband. And worse than sical career at the age of three, he rall. of the Physics: Department, Western up now! that! There wasn't even the faintest, has played at the National Gallery of .. Experienced Staft' Maryland has also received an air- e Jompln' Times hope that she ever would have! In Art in Washington, D. C., and was Many of the members of this plane motor and will receive soon a The dance, which is to be held in desperation she turned to her Pappy acclaimed in his Town Hall debut in year's staff are not new to the Gold small Piper Cub, both of which will typical Dogpatch style, wil'l efeature for help. "Have patience, dotter!" he New York City last year. Having Bug but are merely serving in new be used for ground instruction. It is such personalities as that Death-Dar- said. "You'll probably be gittin' a of- many performances to his credit, capacities. Virginia Voorhees, who emphasized that the plane, a "hedge ing-Detective Fearless Fosdick, his fer any day now." So Sadie waited though only 22 years of age, Mr. took over the editorship last Febru- hopper," will not be used in the air . elusive enemy, the Hat, and as very patiently for 5,475 days. (15 years to . Dvorine gives promise of a brilliant ary, had previously served as copy An invitation is extended to all special guests the Tramp Hollow you unlarned varmints) but at the future. editor, assistant news editor, and students to visit the first floor of Harmoneers. Jompin' tunes wifl be end of that time both her Pappy's pa- His program will be widely varied, news editor. Known best for his Lewis Hall where much of the new furnished by your favorite name tience and hers had just about given including selections from the work of columns, Don Capobianco has long equipment will be on display. bands which have agreed to stop off at out. (Cont. on Page '3, Col. 5) served the Gold Bug. His work this Dogpatch between engagements. (Cant. on Page 3, Col. 4)