Page 52 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md.. Thursday, May 18, 1944 Purple He.rt And ea.-814M, g.. . . . D.S.C. Posthumously "~/"e @IJ MrUJ" Awarded O'leoir (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) Many others were present but lack of they arrived resplendent with that Captain Joseph O'Ieair, graduate of Maryland space prevents our naming them all. look of bewilderment which only a Western posthumously College '39, was honored with the pur-ยท *At Leis-ure- freshman pass can radiate. But now the in pic heart and the distinguished serv- back years mind the over Aklng Tin Pan AUey-Three new icc cross. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. songs give promise of hitting the top quick review and we know that-ten John O'leair, residents of Lorain, come June. "I Dream of You", fea- days and it will all be over. Ohio, received the awards and a let- tured by Tommy Dorsey, heads the As senior classes are always wont ter from the War Department stat- list. Two others to keep your eyes on to say-"things will be different next ing that he had been killed in action are "Time Waits For No One" and year." Homecoming and May Courts at Bougainville. "Too Much In Love." from now on will no longer be favored with the charms of Becky Larmore, The purple heart was given for ~"Grada.ta." Doris Himler- and Margaret Anne "military merit and' wounds received Our congratulations to Lt. and Smith. The dining hall could hardly in action which resulted in his death- Mrs. William G. Vincent upon the be the same without the hash-slinging November 29, 1943." The award of the birth of a dBug~her on April 7th in of "Skeets" Hauff, "Em" Gross and distinguished service cross was for Battle Creek, Michigan. Bill, a grad- "Peck" Bond, and 'Yard Hall will .nc "extraordinary heroism in an attempt uate in 1942, is now stationed at longer resound to the lusty vocal to rescue a patrol trapped by the Camp McCain, Miss .... Aviation gymnastics of Bill Lewis. The Dean's Japanese." Cadet Charles "Bud" H~~ris, '~5,. is List will no more carry the names of Capt. O'leair ,entered the Army in now at Pensacola Naval Air Trammg Franny Hall and Bill Harrington 1941 and had been overseas 17 Center where he is completing train- and some of the rest. The pianos at months. He served in the Fiji Islands Chatty Delia ing as naval pilot .... Just before the music hall will miss the frequent and the Hebrfdea. Mary Studebaker Beverly Slacum we went to press, Ensign "Bud" visits of such musicians as "Corky" Smith, '43, arrived on campus Price, Dot Clarke and Wallen Bean. leave from his station in Florida. The memories float back with il,!- creasing rapidity reminding us of ~IN RETROSPECT what will soon belong to the past. Ten Ten days and it will all be over. days and it will all be over. The fulfillment of four years of en- deavor on the hill will be realized ~eoenm::;l;h:n%ena a:~o~o~v~~l:f ~:~ Coofes' Barber Shop Two Barbers EAST MAIN STREET Graduation Cards Father Day Cards P. G. Coffman Co. ~imes Building Compliments of SUMMER SCHOOL the FALL EMPLOYMENT CHARLES CAROLL Alias "Tojo Sinker" ... he For College Graduates Enroll now HOTEL never misses a thing ... except Training Guaranteed of course his Chesterfields. Low Cost-Liberal Terms But when he has'em he shares Phone 224 or write 'em right down the line. Keep sending him Chester- fields and he'll keep sinking Tojo ... that's a winning com- bination for everyone. A nd remember Chesterfield's WAR WORK WITH A FUTURE RIGHT COMBINATION College students with knowledge of books and successful contacts with people can prepare for career in library work WORLD'S BEST TOBACCOS in 9-month Enoch Pratt Training Class opening September 11. Entrance examination on June 10. $40 a month after 5 Key-words first month of training. For Mildness Better Taste Training Class graduates with college degree appointed to positions at $1500 with increases and pension. Apply and Cooler Smoking Training Class Director, Central Library, Baltimore. Carroll Theatre State Theatre WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Thura., Fri. & Sat., May 18-19-20 Thurs. & Fri., May 18-19- Robert Walker _Donna Reed Anna Sten - Kent Smith "SEE HERE PRIVATE ''THREE RUSSIAN GIRLS" HARGROVE" SaL, May 20-- Sun., Mon., 'Tues., May 21-22-23 Don Barry Eddie Bracken - Betty Hutton "CALIFORNIA JOE" "MIRACLE OF MORGAN'S CREEK" Sun., Mon., Tues., May 21-22-23 Cary Grant .:'John Garfield "DESTINATION' TOKYO" Wed. & 'I'hurs., May 24-25- Francis Lederer - Segrid Gurie Wed., May 24- "VOICE IN THE WIND" Buster Crabbe "FRONTIER OUTLA \V" Fri, Sat., May 26-27- College Musical Thurs. & Pr-i., May 25-26- "YOU CAN'T RATION LOVE" DOUBLE FEATURE "SWING TI'l\fE FOR JOHNNY" Sun., Mon., Tues., May 28-29-30 "HATCHECK HONEY" Joan Fontaine - Orson Welles "JANE EYRE" Sat., May 27- "BOSS OF RAWHIDE" We'd. & Thurs., May 31-June 1 "HENRY ALDRICH- Sun., Mon., Tuea., May 28-29-30 BOY SCOUT" -Revival- and "SNO\vWHITE AND THE e: r/iol1f1/ p~~~,':.c:'E::~TI~E "MEMPHIS BELLE" SEVEN DWARFS" JepSt14 Tues.Wed.Thurs.Nights all CBS Stations
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