Page 51 - TheGoldBug1943-44
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The Gold Bug, W'atem Maryland. College, Weatmimter, MeL, Thursday, May 18, 1944_ PAGE FIVE Ten Organ Students Will Display Talents By Fred Holloway I Jr. Organ students of Western Mary- By Jan Riggs land College will present a recital in Alumni Hall on Monday, May 22, at And so another year comes to a enough, Lee lost a splendid opportun- 4:15 P. M. The question, "What are you planning to do after gradua- close on the Hill .as the class of '44 ity to win his own ball game in the The program is as follows: tion 1" brought a great variety of replies from the score of seniors passes through the portals of "col- 13th inning when he allowed himself Toccata and Fugue in D minor Bcwh the Bug's roving Gallup Poller approached one night last week. lege life". It's been the first year that to be caught off third base. The next Paul Maynard Answers ranged fr0!l\_"Sleep, and sleep, and sleep 1" to "I'm going the effects of the war have been so no- batter then singled, and he would Interlude (Hymn Tune) Townemire to take over the title of 'Pistol Packin' Mama' for an insurance ticeable on the campus with the pres- have scored the winning run. Ann Covington company." The resulting cross-section proved interesting and in- ence of the ASTP, and conspicuous Fughetta in G minor MerkeL formative." absence of civilian male population. It's the end of another year at Shirley Leese Jo Bran/Ol'd is going into religious capped gal with the pills in one hand It has also been the first year in Western Maryland. How many more Pastorale F?'anck education. and the thermometer in the other, if many, that an intercollegiate athletic will go by such as this one no one Jean Smyrk Corky Price will make use of her any of you chilluns make a dent in a team has failed to take to the field knows, but we all hope there won't Prelude in C major Bach education major to teach the kids Union Memorial bed. for the Green Terrors. Many schools be many. Cordelia Price their dc-re-me'a. Ann Covtngton will teach music in receive high praise for continuing to So until then we have to reminisce Communion Lemmens Beverly Slacum will add blonde high school in "God's country" while carryon active competition with oth- about the past, and plan for a strong Edward Newell curls to the proverbial horn-rimmed waiting for a reservation to the er institutions, but you can't make a future. Out of the depths have I cried unto South Pacific--or just plain waiting. team out of something you don't have. We'll have to remember the grid- Thee Dupre specs picture of a librarian. Ruth Broadrvp, who is already Ann Meeth. will have a job teaching Mr. Byham, and the rest of what's iron antics of Mike Phillips, Sig Jen- A mighty fortress is our God Dupre high school science some place; but, waiting for Skeets' first furlough left of the athletic department, de- sen, Manny Kaplan, Otts O'Keeffe, Ann Nichols from the Army, will be Assistant serve a round of applause for their Bob Bricker, and all the others; the Piece Heroique Framck like the Wheel of Fortune, where she Manager of the Oriole Cafeteria in splendid job during the stay of the court frolics of Ed Mogowski, Frank Paul Maynard stops, nobody knows. Baltimore. Army boys, and for their efforts to Suffern, Nemo Robinson, Stan Kula- Solitude on the Mountain Ole Bult Olive Cook plans to work as a par- Grace Dryden will be married on prepare for the future. kowski, and the rest: the canvas fis- This day full of gladness Duore ish assistant in the Metropolitan July 1, then join the "skillet Corps" tics of-Carlos Ortenzi, Howard Hall, Betty Miller Methodist Church in Washington. in Baltimore. Chuck Godwin, Hank Ferris, plus nu- Lucille Gi8cfwl will tell the kiddies Mary Jo Davis, who is planning to It comes to mind that perhaps I merous others; and the diamond he- Ave Maria Arcadelt all about what happened in 1492 (or haven't been quite fair to the Wom- roes of Lee Lodge, Woody Preston, Salvation now is come to earth Bach was it 1926?) in Glen Burnie. teach algebra and biology in the Mid- dletown High School at Middletown, en's Athletic Department during the John Hancock, Tom Terry, and all the Marjorie Strickland Virginia Lee HOri1W plans to take Delaware, says that marriage is a year. So, better late than never, I say other athletic stars that Western Fantaisie in C major fi'ra:nck over the job of chief cook and bottle question mark-a "great big question that it should be understood that the Maryland has produced-they're all Edna Haller washer in the proverbial "little home girls' intrll.mural program is very ex- doing their best now for our United Gargoyles Garch Edmund80n for two." mark." would like to work Esthf;1'l' Bradley tensive-perhaps more so than the States. When you know them, you Paul Maynard Dottie R01J6CCLmp will tell the wild- techni- as a laboratory boys. . can't help but like them. They're tops. These students, most of whom are eyed !i'l apple polishers of Dundalk in a hospital hasn't planned anything cian, but Of course, in peace time, more at- The best of luck to the graduating music majors, have been under the the old one about 2 + 2 = -. definite. tention is given to men's intercolleg- class of 1944. May this be the last instruction of Miss Grace Cordia MCLry St:udebaker plans to make iate activities than intramural, but class to finish without having our Murray. the headline "Studebaker Hits Wash- at the same time, Miss Parker, head stars on the Hill. ington" (or Washington Hits Back). ,q~ d/.,u,- ... of the girls' department, has done a Gll?levi6ve Spry will make like fine job at organization. Hendrickson in a high school in Del- Nine members of the class of 1944 Without a lot of publicity, she has Miss Mary Stuyvesant (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) aware. were inducted as fellows of the Argo- molded together a program that has Le'llJ!Y Jm~e8 (OR MY, What fun naut Society at the annual banquet on created a great deal of interest among To Talk May 19 At will be held in conjunction with the she'll have!) will drive a company Monday night. along with Seven O'ClockP.M. the women and some of the men. Miss church conference on Saturday, June car' as an insurance firm inspector These seniors, who will be gradu- Following a banquet and election 3. Parker, too, may stand of officers at Westminster High and carry a real gun! ated Cum Laude or Summa Cum Mr. Byham when the laurels are Vt'vian F(YJ'sythe will make with the Laude, are: Dorothy Clarke, Vivian will Fellowship handed out for persistency in the School, the Youth Rev. E.ยท Pearce "hie, haec, hoc's" and "sum, es, Forsythe, Lucille Gischel, Frances hear a speech by face of difficulties. Hayes, missionary to China, in est's" in one of the Maryland high Hall, Ann Meeth, Mary Rehmeyer, Ann Rice, Joseph Geary, and William Alumni Hall. The newly-elected offi- schools. Jane Lovell will punctuate Harrington. Ellem From Lt. Lee Lodge comes word cers will be installed at this meeting. that he is pitching for the 4th Infan- Sunday will conclude the confer- her compound sentences with calis- try "Raiders" baseball team at Ft. ence. Bishop Hughes will deliver the thenics in her teaching job. La:rmare Becky Benning. Those of you who remember sermon at the morning worship. The kids of Maryland will see that the High mind Park past baseball seasons at western evening address by Dr. Y. C. Yang, , Margaret & Earl's Maryland can well rqmember Lodge's the president of Soochou University, their P's and Q's (P for punctuation Students' Center diamond (take it either way) feats on will be followed by the reading of ap- and Q for question mark, students). Phone 214-W Schwarz will be the white- Ginny the Hill. pointments and adjournment. He got off to a fine start in his College students will be working SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS freshman year, when he held Ameri- throughout the week in an attempt to can University to one hit in his first facilitate the administration of dining John Everhart intercollegiate game. He was the most hall and dormitories. Meet Your Friends dependable pitcher during the rest of Several of the students will be THE COLLEGE BARBER his college carreer, his poorer games singing in the choir under the direc- AND BOBBER due to the fact that he was called up- tion of Professor Alfred de Long. on so frequently and bothered by a Ko-Ed Klub AT THE FORKS sore arm. He was also a dangerous hitter, batting as cleanup man. Club Frolics Another game worth mentioning REFRESHMENTS was the 16 inning 6 to 6 tie with a (Cont. from page 3, col. 2) PATENT MEDICINES Convpliments of heavy hitting Syracuse nine. Oddly ty'. "Delta" will have their swim- nORGE'S RESTAURANT ming Patty at Frocks Pool on May Student Christian Group 20 for freshmen rushees. Discloses Future Pian. Jl\Iary Stuyvesant, Pond's beauty the Sigmas' gave crew hats to each of freshmen who forty-two girls counsellor, who will speak here were present at their weenie roast Th"o. F. Shaeffer (Continued from page 3, column 3) on "How to I\Jake the Most of J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Your Looks in War-time,"i) at Tramp Hollow. Three humorous Master Plumber Snyder 'Will chair the Freshman skits, one by each class were part of Successor to Cassell's Committee. the entertainment of the affair. Plumbing, Heating, Tinning The organization plans to continue The 'Phi Alphs' annual "Hobo- Contractor The Store of New Fashioned it~ same line of projects for the com- (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Hitch" and Hamburger Roast was 92 W_ Main St. Jewelry and Old Fashioned ing' year-Wednesday evening. ves- held at Harvey Stone Park. on May Honesty pers, and recreational programs at senior class of at least fifty members. of 4, at which time a burlesque of past phone 359-J Times Building Following are brief biographies regular intervals. Such enterprises events at W.M.C. was staged by the Westminster, Md. East Main St. are also planned for summer sessions. those elected to the society: members. Each of the forty-four Westmi~ster, Md. Sigma Sigma Tau Price: Cordelia Since the Religious Emphasis Vice President: Senior Class Presi- rushees received a knapsack filled Week was such a success this year, dent; College Choir; Glee Club; Class with refreshments, and the favor, a there are plans being made for its Secretary (junior year). kerchief. continuance in the spring of '45. Dr. Dorothy Roveeamp : Women's Ath- On May 11, the Gamma Chi's Harold Case of Scranton, Pa., and letic Association; Women's Student amused their forty-one freshmen GRIFFIN'S 8-WEEK Dr. Henry Crane of Detroit, Mieh., Government Vice-President; Gold Bug guests at a scavenger hunt and wee- are two leaders under consideration Sports Editor: Aloha Business Man- nie roast at Harvey Stone Park. Ior for the week. ager; Sigma Sigma Tau; Who'8 Who. Each girl received a gold fish in a "Your Stop Downtown" COURSE The Big Sister-Big Brother move- Beverly Slacum: College Players; bucket and the club members adopted sehedute-> special ment will be continued next fall. women's Student Government; House a fish, named Willie as their Mascot. SODA~ANDWICHES A Shorthand Summer Typewriting- and There will be a meeting during the President of Mcljanlel Hall: Sunday Recently a funeral service was held CANDIES coming week for all those who are in- School Vice President; S. C. A. Pro- for the deceased mascot and Jo Bove, begins terested. gram Committee: Dean's List; Direc- 'the gold fish's keeper wept as Bill Opposite State Theater JUNE 26 AND JULY 10 At that time, definite rules will be tor for May Day Play; A "Campus Smith performed the rites and Jeanne Recommended for high sehool stipulated for each Big Sister and Personality." Berryman sang a funeral hymn. The graduates, college students, and Big Brother. Those not willing to ful- Margaret Ann Smith: Phi Alpha site of the grave is the fourth tulip teachers. Also career courses. Sec- fill the requirements will not be Mu President; Women's Student in Rohinson Garden. retarial dil1lomas awarded. granted Little Sisters or Brothers. Government President; Intersorority DRUGS-SODAS Ruth Miles is in charge of this Council President; College Players; SMITH & REIFSNIDER COSMETICS Ask for Summer School Bulletin movement. Who's Who; Vice-President to Sopho- Incorporated Two other achievements of the or- more Class; Class representative to LUMBER-COAL STRA YER ganization are the collection of a to- W. S. G. for 3 years; French Club WESTMINSTER, MD. tal of $104.00 for the World Student Treasurer. . Service Fund, twelve dollars more Mary Turnley: Delta Sigma Kappa: COLLEGE than last year; and the formulation Secretary of Home Economics Club; Compliments of plans for sending five persons to Editor-in-chief of Aloh; Dean's, of 13th & F Street-s NA.1748 Kanesetoke, an annual conference List; Historian of class in 1942-1943; BONSACK BROS. held in Spruce Creek, Pa., during the Who'8 Who; Freshman Advisory; SODAS LUNCHES WASHINGTON 5, D. C. month of June, Copy Editor of Gold Bug, 1941-1942.
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