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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md., September 18, 1941 - PAGB TIiRBB I Freshman Orientation Program . '. . I Freshman Class C.lend.r 01 Events Registrar Notes Tuesday, Sept. 23 No Decrease In Tuesday Miss Ward (Library Bldg.) Welcomed By 10:00 A. M.- of new students. 10:00 to 11:30 Registration and room 3:30 Men: Completion of enrollment • Registration Orientation program '41 Enrollment Freshman assignments (Office of the Reg- for courses (Science Hall); Dean Bertholf begins. istrar and of the Dean of Men Women: The Use of the Li- Friday, Sept. 26 or Women) brary-Miss Ward (Library 10:00 A. M.- "\Ve are quite pleased with the en- 12:00 Lunch (boarding students only) Bldg.) Freshman week ends. rollment this year," was the comment 1:00 to 5:00 Continuation of regi~ 5:30 Outdoor supper, in charge of To The Class of 1945: Registration of returning stud- of Miss Martha Manahan, registrar tration and room assignments the Student Christian Assccte- Through the kindness of the Gold ents. of the college. 6:00 Dinner (College Dining Room, tion and the Student Govern- Bug, I am privileged to send to each Saturday, Sept, 27 Despite the prosperity of the de- Science Hall) menta. of you this advance welcome to West- 8:10 A. M.- fense industries and the thr-eat to 7:00 to 8:30 Continuation of regis- Friday ern Maryland College. An item in Regular schedule of classes be- young men of the conscription act, tration and room assignments 8:15 College and Religion-Profess- the news lately has struck me with gins. there will be no noticeable drop in the 2:00 P. M.- 8:00 to 10:00 Informal Get - Ac- or Little (Smith Hall) unusual force. It was to the effect enrollment of Western Maryland Col- quainted (McDaniel Hall 8:45 College History and Traditions that the city of Leningrad, struggling Wl\IC Terrors vs. Cortland, lege this year. Hoffa Field. Lounge) -Professor Makosky (Smith as it is for its very life, and with its 8:00 P. M.- Although final figures have not yet weduesday Hall) enemies almost at its gates, is prepar- Informal dance sponsored by been compiled because some students ing, nevertheless, to open its universi- 8:15 Service of Worship conducted 9:30 Getting Started Right-Dean men's student government, Gill have not yet completed their registra- by Professor Shroyer (Baker Bertholf (Smith Hall) ties as usual this fall. What a com- Gym. tion, present figures indicate a slight Chapel) 9:50 Giving out of individual class ment as to the importance the Com- Sunday, Sept. 28 decrease in the number of men and an 8:40 Address of Welcome-Presi- schedules munists attach to their type of edu- Vesper service, Alumni Hall. increase in the number of women. dent Holloway (Baker Chapel) 10:00 (a) Meeting of all who have cation! Monday, Sept. 29 To date there are 274 men regis- 9:10 Announcements, and assign- appointments under the N. You are not living in a country Convocation, Alumni Hall. tered and 313 women, making a total ments to counselors - Dean Y. A.-Dean Schofield where the-schools are depended upon of 587. Of these, 66 are freshmen Bertholf (Baker Chapel) (b) Medical examinations: as agents of political propaganda. men and 103 freshmen women. These 9:25 English tests (Initials A Men (Old Gymnasium) j But in a democracy education is no 1941 Edition figures, of course, are not final. through M, R. 22 Science Hall; Women (Women's Infirm- less important than in a dictatorship N through S, R. 31 Science m-y, McD. Hall) --education that is free to present all Defense Rcsponsible lead where it of the truth, Hall; T through Z, R. 33 12:00 Lunch (boarding students only) aspects You have chosen a coIlege that Of Students' Miss Manahan explained the in- Science Hail) Bring pencils. 1:00 Continuation of medical exam- may. crease in the number of women by 11:10 Discussion of campus prob- inations strives to be liberal, reverent, and l the prosperity of the defense indus- lems: Men-Dean Free (R 22 personal. Wc welcome you to its fel- Who's Who , tr-ies, which made it financially pos- Science Hall); Women-Dean lowship. It will give you the best it sible for more women to attend col- Adkins (S. C. A. room, Mc- freshman Week has in developing the latent powers of STUDENT PUBLICATIONS lege. She explained that the Reserve Daniel Hall) your entire personality. It expects in The Aloha - Lucie Leigh Barnes, Officers Training Corps unit was in- included) 12:00 Lunch (day students (S c i e.n c e Activities Led return your loyalty and your con- editor; Jack Doenges, business strumental in keeping several men in 1:00 Psychological teet structive contribution in every phase manager college who would otherwise have Hall) of college life. The Gold Bug-Isaac Rehart, edi- been drafted. (Students in the ad- 2:15 Athletics and Physical Educa- By Dr. Bertholf Sincerely yours, tor; Werner Orrison, business vanced R.O.T.C. courses are exempt tion: Men-Coach Havens and LLOYD M. BERTHOLF, manager from conscrlptlon.) Professor Speir (R. 22 Science (Cont. from page 1, eel. 5) Dt>an Q/ tltAJ Faculty. FRATERNITIES Of the freshmen, two students will Hall); Women-Miss Parker, Delta Pi Alpha (Preachers)- \ be from outside the borders of the Miss Todd (S. C. A. room) men and women will hear a discussion Royce Gibson, President United States. One of these is from on the Hill.' activities 2:45 Student Activities: Men-Mrs. of student for the men will be Isaac Barnes, Doenges Pi Alpha Alpha-(B I a c k and Puerto Rico and one from the ¥irgin Isaac Rebert, Mr. James Speaking Islands. The Eastern Seaboard, from Wrightson (R. 22 Science Rehert and James Wrightson, while Whiteaj-c-Davld Brengle, Presi- Massachusetts to Florida, wil! be rep- Davenport Lay Aloha Plans Hall); Women - Miss Betty Betty Ellwein and Doris dent resented. Ellwein, Miss Doris Davenport will discuss the women's angle of Gamma Beta Chil (Gamma Bets)- Professor Spier and Doctor Little Richard Baker, President (S. C. A. room) campus life. Tentative plans for the 1942 Aloha Alpha Gamma Tau {Bachelursj-c-. will have children in college this year 3:15 Fnench test, for all who expect French Test were completed this summer by Lu- Frank Tarbutton, "President to take either second-year or The afternoon's activities will be 'cie Leigh Barnes and John Doenges, and Mr. Mir-ise will have a brother at Western Maryland .. third-year French (R. 22 rounded out with a French test in editor and business manager, respect- SORORITIES Science Hall) room 22, Science Hall, for those stud- tively. -Delta Sigma Kappa- Miss Manahan reported two regis- 4:00 Men: The R.O.T.C.-Col Sadler ents who expect to take second or Scheduling of pictures has been Mabel Greenwood, President trations for the class of 1946. (Old Gymnasium) third-year French courses and a dis- started, and will be completed shortly Sigma Sigma Tau- Note: cussion of the R. O. T. C. by Col. after school opens. Ph~a~~~~ ~~~ill, President _I Telephone 190 Hours 9 to 7.30 P. M. At (my/rec time on either Wedl1es- ::::Ib:; r:~k:~~~~:,"~~:= I ... than ever before, with more pictm:es Elaine Barnes, Pr(lsident I } YOUR HAIR DRESSER This year the book will be bigger Percy L. Sadler, PMS&T, in the Old Gymnasium. to Wednesday evening's activities according copy, will music Q1'ganizatwlt skould see iflr. de be climaxed by the Class of 1945 Re- and less An effort wiII be made to J.G.C.-Ruth MacVain,' President INDIVIDUAL PERJl.fANENTS Doenges. Lung and those wisMng to PUuu in the ception Party in MacDaniel Lounge, include at least one picture of every CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS 91 W. Main Street Bldg. band or orcheeetrc should BCC Mr. folIowing an address of welcome from student. An original method of di- Student Christian Association- Carroll Theatre MD. -WESTMINSTER, RfYJjer. Both. theee -men wiU be in the Alumni Association, given by Col. viding th'e book into sections is being Doris Dav~nport, President thair studios in L(winc Music HalL T. K. Han'ison, Executive Secretary planned. The staff plans to disregard Men's Student Government-- 6:30 Greetings from the Alumni As- of the group, and a review of cheers all ordinary yearbook methods and Isaac Rehert, President sociation-Col. T. K. Harrison, and songs in Smith Hall by Bo produce an entirely unique annual. Women's Studev.t Governmellt- Executive Secretary (Dining Baugher, head cheerleadcr. Mr. Doenges expressed the desire Betty Ellwein, President Sodas Room) • Biology Exam to finish work on the book as soon as Dcbating- . 6:40 College Songs and Yells (Smith Tests will again be the order of the possible as he fears difficulties in get- Edward Thomas, Manager Hall) day as Thursday commences with a ting printing and engraving coopera- Argonauts- The best in Soda Fountain 8:00 Reception to the Class 0(1945 biology examination for those stud- tion because of government pliorities Louise Young, President Supplies--our Sodas and McDaniel Hall Lounge) cnts who have had any previous ex- and labor shortages brought about by Sunday School- Sundaes are deliciou5 Thursday perience with the subject, followed by the defense program. Don Griffin, President 8:15 Biology test, for all who have a reading test. Both exams will be The staff emphasized that all stu- Women's Athletic Association- made any previous study of given in the same l'ooms assigned fot dents, llot only seniors, are urged to June LillPY, President Candy biology (same )'ooms as for the English tcsts. offer their services to the Aloha.· Am- Economics Club- English testa) The faculty will hold the floor pre- ateur photographers, and advertIsing A. J. Beane, President Fresh MARTHA WASH- 9:00 Reading test (same rooms as ccding lunch as they conduct a round solicitors are urgcd to contact either Alpha Delta Lamba- above) table discussion of courses as related Miss Barnes or M,·. Doenges. William Leatherman, President INGTON and WHIT· 10:00 Fl'eshman Courses and Your F~~~~~~~ r~====....~===_ Beta Beta Beta- MANS at all times Career-Discussum by various ;~i:~~e:.sf:~UI~;i:;u~:~~l's 11'1Wentz, President members of the faculty; ques- individual conferences with their ad- plain a few of the college traditiOllS Le Cerc1e Francais--- tions and answers (Smith visers in their respective rooms. Con- as he recounts the history of the Hill Virginia Sweeney, Pt'esident Toilet Articles Hall) ferences with the counselors witl be to the new students. Camera Club- 11;15 (a) Individual conferences with continued after lunch. FollOwing an address by Dean Werner Orrison, President counselors (for rooms, see Individual Photographs Bertholf on "Getting Started Right," Chess Club- We carry the popular lines directory) The afternoon will be spent in individual class schedules will be giv_ William Taylor, President of Tooth Paste and Tooth (b) Individual con fer ences photographing of the individual fresh- en to the men and women. The day's Rat Committee--- Brushes, Creams, Lotions, with Professor Gcsner of men in room 29, Science Hall, enroll· activities will be concluded by a meet- Robert Johnson, Richard Patten Face Powders, etc. aU who expect w take any ment for courses with advisers, and ing of all N. Y. A. appointees with and Arlie Mansberger courses in music (Levine an explanation of the use of the li- Dean Samuel Schofield in Smith Hall) brary w the men and women by Miss Hall and medical examinations for (c) Oral French tests, for Minnic Ward in the library. men in the Old Gymnasium and for De Wane Bills Sig Jensen Kodaks those whose names are The Student Christian Association women in the Women's Infirmary. posted and the Student Governments will Cleaning and Pressing Having the Eastman agency 12:00 Lunch (day litudents includcd) combine to sponsor jointly a picnic we have a full line of Ko· 1:00 (a) Continuation of confer- supper in the pavilion as climax and PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS All work guaranteed dab and Films ences with counselors finale of Thw'sday's affairs. (b) Taking of individual pic- The freshmen will again start the tures (R. 39 Sciencc Hall) day on a religious note Friday as they 2:30 Women: Completion of enroll- hear Professor Calvin Little discuss WELCOME, ment for courses (Science college and religion in Smith Hall. WESTERN MARYLAND DRINK Hall) Following the address by Dr. Little, LUNCH 3:00 Men: The Use of the Library- Professor John D. Makosky will ex- COLLEGE STUDENTS Sunsweet Fruit Ade Come in and see our fine line Special Platter Lunch THREE CHAIR SERVICE of gift suggestions. A com· GRAPEFRUIT 11 A. M.-2 P. M. For a variety of No Waiting plete lipe of College Jewelry, reo watch and jewelry expert HEAGY BROTHERS' Home Cooking NOVELTIES, TOILETRIES BARBER SHOP pairing. Also a complete op· GRAPE ORANGE and GOOD EATS tical department. Ne(tt to POlJt OjJlce StOP at the Columbia Jewelry Co. Ko-Ed Klub MODERN SHOE 34 West Main St. CarroU Distributors Bonsack Bros: RBBUILDING WESTMINSTER, Where all the Ko.Eds meet C. Velna.key & Son Telephone MD. The College Shop 52-54 W. Main St. 10 Penna Ave. at the Fork5 We5tminster303 Phone 644 Westminster, Md. Westmin5ter, Md.
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