Page 3 - TheGoldBug1934-35
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE GOLDBUGSTAFFARRANGES 132 STUDENTS ATTEND M. P. TRAINING SCHOOL I F=======================;, "WHO'S WHO" LIST FOR THIRD ANNUAL SUMMER HELD ON W. M. CAMPUS INCOMINGFROSH CLASS SCHOOL ON THE HILL training session of conducted annual leadership The the by the Mary- school land Conference Council of Religious Ed- Finimus Coeptii During the past summer approximately In order that the members of the fresh- ucation of the Methodist Protestant annual the man class may have some previous knowl- 132 students attended Western third Maryland Church, was held at Western Maryland at summer session edge of "who's who" at Western Mary- College this past summer during the first land College, the following list is pre- College. The ten-week course, which was week in August. Dr. Lawrence C. Little, sented. It is suggested that the fresh- divided into two five-week terms, opened dean of the School of Religious Educa- man keep this list as a guide for future on Tuesday, June 19 and closed on tion, was the director of this summer use. August 28. training session. We don't know where you attended High School, but we The summer school at Western Mary- OFFICERS OF ADhlINISTRATIO~ land College has become an integral part A special Christian Endeavor campus know al1 about your College and we congratulate you on your evening, August Dr. A. Norman Ward, president of the of the college year. The usual courses service on Sunday to a conclusion. Ap- 4, the session brought college. leading to the bachelor of arts degree are proximately 500 persons attended this choice. Dr. William: R. Me Daniel, vice-president offered. This summer work not only en- final service, which was in charge of and treasurer. ables students to complete four year's R. Smith, of the Hampden M!'. Samuel B. Schofield, dean of the col- work in three years, but the chance to se- George Protestant Church, Baltimore. Meth- odist The lege. cure hours and points for graduation is \X'estern Maryland is an A No. 1 College, wonderfully 10- presented to those pupils who are behind principal speaker 'vas the Rev. Walter Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, dean of fresh- Stone, pastor of the Uniontown Metho- man. in their work. dist Church. A number of the members cated and has a first class faculty that is always ready to help the Mrs. Fannie M. Stover, dean of women. Advanced courses leading to the mas- of the leadership training school partici- Miss Thelma R. Shreiner, assistant to the ter of arts degree may be pursued also pated in the service. individual student. You will be a part of this fast growing In- dean of women. during the summer session. These courses Mr. Frederic M. Miller, dean of men. are accredited as meeting the residence The training school, of which the Rev. stitution that IS being heard from In the educational world. Mr .. Alvey M. Isanogle, dean of the requiremen t of the degree. Raymond IV. White, pastor of Eutaw School of Education. In addition, several professional and Methodist Protestant Church, Baltimore, Dr. Lawrence C. Little, dean of the content courses were offered during the was dean, was considered the most suc· We hope you like our town and townsmen. The business School of Religious Education. past summer for elementary and junior cessful and the largest attended of any Mrs. Anna H. Isanogle, registrar. high school teachers. Science, general- session yet held by the Maryland Council. Miss Louise B. Fisher, assistant regis- ized and professiona lized for those who houses welcome you and are ready to care for your requirements. trar. teach the phenomena of life and nature and the mechanical processes involved in Mr. Harvey A. Stone, superintendent of FRESHMAN ORIENTATION buildings and grounds. living today, was presented in two Bonsack Bros. wish for you the beginning of a most pleasant Miss Minnie M. Ward, Iibrarian. courses. Dr. Bertholf, professor of biol- PROGRAM ogy and dean of freshman, taught the September 25-28, 1934 college life. We stand' ready to serve you in truly Bonsack fash- STUDENT PUBLICATIONS course entitled "The World and Living The Aloha-Brady O. Bryson, editor-in- Things." Miss Sara Smith, who spent a (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) ion as we have done for the past 12 years. chief. year at Columbia University recently The GOLD BUG-Dennis J. Brown, edi- studying in the field of science educa- I tials Land M, Miss Snader tor-in-chief. tion, taught the course named "Matter (27 Science Hall) and Energy." 6 :00 Dinner FRA TERNITIES The summer course was arranged ou a 6 :30 College Songs and Yells (Smith Alpha Gamma Tau-John W. Stallings, schedule of six days a week, in order to Hall) BONSACK BROS. president. make possible the securing of full credit 8: 00 President-Faculty Reception Delta Pi Alpha-Brady O. Bryson, presi- of six semester hours in each term. THURSDAY dent. The fourth annual summer session to 8 :~O College and Religion, Dean Lit- Gamma Beta Chi-Webster L. Lucas, be held at Western Maryland College will tle (Smith Hall) "THE COLLEGE SHOP" president, open on Tuesday, June 18, 1935, and will 8 :50 Vocational Objectives and the Pi Alpha Alpha-Janna L. Randle, pres- close on August 27, 1935. Choice of Churches, Dean Isan- 22 W. MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD. ident. ogle (Smith Hall) BOSTON SPORTS WRITER SOROR.ITIES 9: 20 Open discussion on the choice LAUDS "DICK" HARLOW of courses (Smith Hall) Delta Sigma Kappa-Mary E. Wooden, 9 :50 Group singing, led by Miss president. (Continued from Page 4, Column 3) Jones (Smith Hall) Phi Alpha Mu-F. Lucille Bork, presi- expenses in scouting Western Maryland 10: 05 The Adviser System, Dean dent. amount to quite a piece of charrge. Bertholf (Smith Hall) VISIT SOUTHpRN DAIRIES W. W. Club-Mary E. Brown, president. "At any rate this fellow Harlow, with 10: 30 (a) Conference of advisers an iunpeenee completely bathed in an en- CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS thusiasm so obvious that more than 150 wi th their advisees (Ad- CREA.M Irving-Webster Literary Society-Donald mentors of both collegiate and scholastic visers ' offices) H. Tschudy, president. affiliations hang desperately upon his (b) Conferences of music stu- HILLSIDE INN Philo-Browning Literary Society-Rosa· every word. dents, with Miss Gesner lie G. Silberstein, president. "They came, so to speak, to worship (Faculty Parlor) Y. M. C. A.-LSivis J. Ransom, president. Crisler ani! Kipke, but right now the (c) Conferences of those desir- Y. W. C. A.-F. Lucille Bork, president. "student body" talks Harlow, eats Har- ing advanced standing in Attention! New and Old Students! Le Om'cZeFrancais-Maudre E. Willis, low (not literally, of course) and sleeps biology IV i t h Professor president. Harlow. Only Dick doesn't give 'em a Bennighof (30 Science Women's Athletic Associa tion-e-Mary E. chance to sleep, so I am told. Hall) Brown, president. , 'Princeton's Crisler was, of course, (d) Continuation of French Women's Student Government-F. Lu- very good. But Harlow, sort of under- tests: Initials D-G, Miss cille Bork, president. billed to Kipke and Crisler, has taken Atwood (25 Science Men's Student Government - Andrew the school by storm so that Fritz himself, Hall); Initials N-R, Miss Gorski, president. after concluding his own topics for the Snader (27 Science Hall) Other organizations: College Players, day, is to be found jotting furiously 12: 20 Lunch-with advisers Officers' Club, Inter-Fraternity Coun- into a little black book the things Mr. 1 :15 (a) Continuation of confer- cil, Inter-Sorority Council, College Harlow reveals of his own system. ences with advisers (Ad· Downtown advertisers have aided 111 financing the GOLD Sunday School, Men's Debating "Among the brethren of the coaching visers ' offices) Team, Women's Debating Team, In- game, Harlow's ability to turn out crack (b) Continuation of French BUG for many years. And, once again, it was only with their ter-Collegiate Debating Council, Col- teams and his tricky offensives are well tests: Initials H-R, Miss lege Choir, College Orchestra, College established and respected. He, tucked Atwood (25 Sci e n C e help and cooperation that this special enlarged edition could be Glee Club, Shakespeare Club, Home away down there in the cozy little corn- Hall); Initials S-Z, M1ss Economics Club, International Rela- munity of Westminster in Maryland, has Snader (27 Science Hall) published. We, therefore, urge both new and old students to tions Club, and the Tri Beta biologi- escaped the glaring rays of publicity and 2: 00 }fen: The Use of the Library, cal fraternity. the howl and hUTl'ah of the mob. Miss Ward (Library) give careful attention to the advertisements in this and future , 'This, however, does not lessen the Women: Enrollment for courses magic which drips off the football wand (Science Hall) CHARLES HAVENS NEW he ,,·aves. The intricacies of his double 3: 00 Yl:en: Enrollment for courses issues of the GOLD BUG. FOOTBALL AIDE HERE shift and the impregnability {)f the de- (Science Hall) fenses he constructs have found little Women: The Use of the Li- (Continued from Page 4, Column 2) brary, Miss Ward (Library) PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. Western Maryland scoring 1441 points as and in an executive and administrative to 299 for opposition during the seyen 5: 30 Outdoor supper: Men, in charge capacity in play-ground and recreational seasons he's been associated with the of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. work. In the fall of 1931, he assisted college as football coach. Wome-n, in charge of the Y. Coach Harlow on the Hill. In 1932, he "You've got to hand it to a guy who'll W. C. A. cabinet coached a professional football team III rip his system of football to pieces before FRIDAY Utica, New York, and in 1933, coached 150 tradesmen and explain just ,yhat 8 :20 Getting Started Right, Dean For more than twenty years we the St. Aloysious Academy football team, makes it go. Harlo·w hasn't held back a Bertholf (Smith Hall) officiated in a number of football games, thing out there on Huntington Ave., ana 8 :50 College Athletics: Men, C(}a'.:h have sold Western Maryland College~ and played with the Syracuse profession- is, I belieYe, the first instructor to ail' Harlow (Smith Hall); Women, al team, champions of central New York. off the double spinner before sueh an as- Miss Parker (Y. W. Room) W Otl1en the best . . As a director of recreation for the semblage. For this purpose he eyen 9: 30 Men: The R. O. T. C., Captain • City of Rome, Havens has served in an brought two of his proteges, Shorty Long Holmes (Levine Hall); Wom- executive capacity in the organization of and Harry La,Henee of Baltimore, here en: Medical examinations, Dr. Wearing Apparel more than two hundl'ed athletic teams, ,yith him to demonstrate and, by jingers, Bullard and )fiss Isanogle (In- with fifty assistants aiding in the carry- with no line in front of them these boys firmary) Piece Goods and ing out of this extensive program. played magic with a ball you neYSr could 10: 00 }Ien: Medieal examinations, get a peek at. MT. Speir and the }1ilitary De- "Harlow is so good Al McCop tells me partment "Mother" HIMLER they've succeeded in getting him to stay 12 :20 Lunch (Levine) Accessories on for the remainder of the week. By i Invites Your Patronage I 1:15 Continuation of meaieal exami- Start your school year by resolving to shop in popular Tequest, as it were. nations Everything for the College "Anyhow, I am still thinking of the II Westminster's Best Store Student trayeling expenses Joe McKenney and Dinny McNaplara could haye salted a\vay I NUSBAUM & JORDAN CHl\S. KROOP for the purpose of scouting Jimmy Crow- If i THOMAS' 11 E. MAIN STREET Polo ley Grounds. the Because at Harlow didn't lay do"n nearly every 'II, SHOES Fine Shoe Repairing card in his hand this \Veek at N ortheasi- Telephone 102 26 E. Main Street ern then I'm a dOUble-jointed All Ameri- MEN'S WEAR We'll deliver your order to you WESTMINSTER, MD. can bridge champion." Westminster, Md.