Page 5 - TheGoldBug1932-33
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE 1932 FOOTBALL RULES THOUGHTS AT RANDOM EIGHTH ANNUAL FRESHMAN freshmen that we sent to you a little Freshman Spirit (Continued from Page 2-Col. 3) WEEK booklet, Preparation for Col- In order that we may better' follow lege, to enable you to ascertain for your- the football games of our Green and Court House during vakashon, but we (Continued from Page I-Col. 5) selves any possible weakness in your pre- Gold Terrors let us look at the changes dunt beleeve it--o, 0, waite til "Com- paratiou and thereby have a chance to in the rules for this coming season. Our beloved Editor, up to her elbows merford" hearz thet "Doenges" wuz tu- being given the chance only by the sacri- remedy it before you come. I trust you in work and feverishly laboring in an ef- have all done so. But most serious of all 1. Rule governing equipment ampli- fort to get enough copy for the first is- torin' sum poor little (~) hoy in f'rensch fices of parents or friends, or through the fied "so that hard and unyielding sub- --" Cameron' Murchison" sed thet he aid of unknown friends in providing is lack of the proper attitude toward col- stances, if used in the construction of sue of THE GOLD BUG, was interrupted wuz gonna ture the southern states, hut scholarships. The consciousness of these lege life and work and lack of desire to thigh guards, shin guards and braces, one evening. She glanced around, and the furthurest he got wuz Birmingham conditions ought to make of you today a excell in the things the college stands for. must be padded on the outside with there stood three strange boys, all blush- But if you are not lazy; if you can get felt, foam rubber 01' other soft padding ing furious)'. Finally one managed to --" Gross", "Duncan", and "Earl" more serious minded class than many of at least three-eighths of an inch thick stammer. want tu git their skool-marm degreez at your predecessors who came in a time of along with companions when you Jive at No hard 01' unyielding elbow pads will Maryland State Normal--it tuk the relative plenty. You ought to be more close quarters; if you are no cynic; if he allowed and the recommendation is "Good-eYening, madam." , Hancock bouncers' one hole day tu anxious than they to adjust yourselves :0 you like to cooperate; if you can handle made that soft knee pads be worn by all The Editor arched her eyebrows. throw' bad hoy BrolYll' out ov there--- yourself and make yourself do what you players." campus conditions and to do the things "Pa.rdon us," finally continued Ihe "Tony Diksa" likes paper dolls; if that mean success in college life. ought to do at the Tight timc; if you 2. On kick-off 01' free kick, the for- you dunt beleeve it ax "Sue Strow' '-- have some system in yOUI' habits; and if mation of the team receiving the kick- brave one, "but we want a blank." Since a college is primarily an acade- you can take advice, you necd hal-e no off restricted to own 45-yard line nntil , 'A blank ~" echoed the harassed Edi- " John George" kept a trunk stashon at mic institution, it follows that success . ball actually kicked. The kick-off may tor. "Here's plenty of copy paper. Will Easton--' 'Pop Mitchell' , iz turn in , here means primarily academic success . fear of failure. be made by drop-kick 01' place-kick, but that do t ' domestic; he asktually kept house fur hiz For attaining this, (a) certain native You will be introduced to college the receiving team is to have the op- relatives--' , Shorty 0 u t ten' , and portunity of making a fail' catch with- t t To put our high school credits on j ' "Chirp Sparrow" got a scholarships giv- a hility is prerequisi te, (b) certain train- through the Freshman Orientation Pro- out interference by members of the asked the spokesman, doubtfully. ing must have been acquired, and (c) cer- gram. During these few days we shall kicking team, even though they are on en tu them--buks, buks, but i guess tain favorable attitudes must he assumed. try to learn something about you through side. A great light dawned in the Editor's thet Ann Wolverton iz used tu them; she The lack of native ability is not a serious tests 'and conferences, and then give you mind. "Look here, " said she, "did those 3. Blocking and tackling. It will no wuz libearin up in Cumb.erland-- problem, for a study of the high school the best guidance we can for getting the longer be legal to use a flying 01' taekle bOYEItell you this was the registrar's of- "Tiny" and" Betty" wuz vizitin' "Mil record and a letter from the high school most value from your college career. You of any opponent, which is defined as fice~' , German"; we wunder how much Mil saw prlncipat usually suffices to eliminate will find here to greet you a group of diving at o r throwing the body through "Yes, ma'am," responded the bravest .ov them .--who sed thet "Bud Shill- Ihe air. It will be legal for the tackler of the three, while the other two support- ing" cudnt make a gud imprint on the those not qualified through lack of intell i- teachcrs and older students anxious to df) to Ieave his feet only at the instant he gence to do college work. Lack of train- cl-cry reasonable thing to make your col- makes contaet with an opponent. Loss ed him with eager nods. sand~-- ing is more serious. High schools differ in , lege days successful. of five yards for violation. 'I'he Editor gave a long sigh, and re- anuther thing~if yo haven't renewed their effectiveness ; not everyone takes Most sincerely yours, 4. Substitutions liberalized to permit moved her glasses. Frantically she search- ure subscripshon ov the gold bug fur the courses most suited f'or preparation replacement of a player at allY time ed her mind for expedients to convin"e this yeer, you better do so, cause it iz for college;. and some loaf on the job LLOYD M. BER'L'HOLF. mId the player withdrawn allowed to the trusting souls before her that she was gonna be good-dunt furgit tu kom through high school. It is hecause of the return 011ce in any subsequent period. back tu skool if ya kan and then we'll The team making substitution is to be only one of their fellow-students. variation in preparation we find among SUBSCRIBE TO 'EHE GOLD BUG charged with a "time out" unless time Finally she addressed them: be seain' ya- already is caJled fol' some reaS011 or un- so long, less a substitution is made for an in- "Look here, don't be so respectful. ************************'1,,*' jured player. I'm only a senior." * >;: * * 5. Ball dead when any portion of hall t, Yes, ma 'am, " was the prompt and Rule time was soon enough to acquire a * * carrier, excepting hands 01' feet, touches courteous reply, "but we'j'e only frosh." deep sense of respect for all superiors! ~ HILLSIDE INN ~ t.he ground, whether or not he is in the Here the Editor and the managing edi- But all hope for the effectiveness of grasp of an opponent. Only player ex- tor had a short conference, of which the ~ ~ cepted from this rule is holder of ball such advice soon yanished forever, for * ~ -That place where you get * ~ Oll placekick. subject ,ms ways and means of coping II-hen the Editor concluded with, "Do with such meekness. They emerged from you want me to direct you to the Regis- 6. Use of llands on head and neck: ~ the best eats next to "Home, ~ Players on defense arc forbidden to this interlude and proceeded to treat the trar's office," three voices chimed in con- strike an opponent Oil the head, neck or representatives of the newest model fresh- cert, * ~ Sweet Home's" * ~ face with hand) wrist, forearm or el- men to their first lecture on "How to Be- "Yes, ma'auJ!" * * bow. Such players may hereafteT use have thougl1 a Freshman." Freshman- * * palms of their hands on the head of an -E.W. * * * * ponent to ward off or push such op- * * ponent in order to get at the hall or ~ STROLL OUT TO ~ DISTINGUISHES THE at the player carrying it. Penalty for * * MADE TO MEASURE beach of this l'Ule is disqualification COLLEGE MEN Try the Good * * * ~ and loss of oJle-half distance to the of- * "HILLTOP" * SUIT fenidllg team's goal line. A Neat Appearance Counts Home-Cooked Food at * * The man who has worn a suit * * * * TRY OUR WORK MAPLE INN * WITH THE GANG * made to his measure her e knows that it looks better and * "John" Everhart QUICK SERVICE * * -wears far longer than any oth- * * HEAGY BROS. It'll taste mighty good after a * * er type_ * THE COLLEGE BARBER brisk walk * Emmitsburg Rd. * Alterations, Repair Work, * ~ * ~ AND BOBBER BARBER SHOP GETTYSBURG ROAD Cleaning and Pressing AT THE FORKS Opposite New Post Office Mrs. Geiman, Proprietress * E.O.STARNER * H. E. Reese ~ ~ * * * * , * * 80 E. Main Street ~************************* F. W.Woolworth CO. Opera House WELCOME STUDENTS OF W. M. C. FROM WESTMINSTER WESTMINSTER'S OLDEST STORE WESTMINSTER, MD. Students' Needs 44-46 W. Main Street Make This Your Playhouse Bridge Lamps $1.00 and up Lamp Shades 25c and up Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Waste Baskets 10c, 25c, 50c Floor Mops 48c, 25c, $1.00 Warner Bros. Pictures Drapery Cretonnes IOc and up Desk Lamps $1.00 and $1.25 Ruffled Curtains 48c and up GUIDER'S I POPULAR PRICES Scatter Rugs $1.69 and up "Friendly Five" Shoes $5.00 CLEANERS AND DYERS Scrap Books, Memory Books and Kodak Albums Hirsh Ave_ 10 AND 20 CENTS Athletic Shoes Stationery Phone 304-W School Supplies WESTMINSTER, MD. And most everything found In a well conducted department store --- College Representatives, We W elcome Your Patronage Pyles and Routson O. C. Reynolds, Mgr. Room 19 Levine Hall 7Jf:!!€({1!:!~!ll§I ~ •...........•...........•.........•..•............... ?!e:S:B~e!~:e:e;B;e;e:v~~'e:s:e;e~~ ~ $I~ Readers of the Current Gold Bug Smart Apparel for College Women can readily see that Western Maryland is all set for a big year o~ progress in every way. We need your support and your interest it BRADLEY KNIT WEAR THE GOLD BUG is to continue to be a reflection of Western Mary- land, its growth and its activities_ SWEA TERS) DRESSES, TWO AND THREE-PIECE SUITS Besides, constant contact with the college brings all Western Marylanders, whatever their class, closer together. PHOENIX SILK HOSE Fill out the blank below, before you forget, and insure for your- self a whole year of Western Maryland news for just FINE SILK UNDIES $1.00 Name . NUSBAUM & JORDAN Address Phone 102 Delivery Service City Eleven East Main Street State .~.rI'''•••••.rI'••'''rI'•••••••• rl'rI'rI'rl' •••• rI'•••• rI'rI'•••••••••••••• rI'r/'••rI'•••••• "'rI'rI' ~