Page 37 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 37
THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, No 10 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Dec. 16, '24 C,\PT. t.enor S. Bl'H,\Jl \1,,,,,~ho:P~,~,u~h:,~~,t.~~~T~,~~,~~C~r.n!i oep~~t~t~~tI~rS:~~iCH~:ves service 01I the college year took place Sunday evening, I ---.- The mOSJltmpresetve religious I Decemuer 14~h, 1924, when the Sunday Wilson auu NicholS l(nke Debut. I~3~~~~.(h7:::o~l~'i~j~~~,tm~~. ~:or~~p~:!':e~fo~a~t~ ~~,I~'~!~i~'~ ~~c~(!e~,~lI't'h~o ~~~~~~ gupet-tntendent, conducted ffile service. The I Puffs and eight other vtcuma, held the ~~~g:!le[~'I~:~tht!~.~/~~!~ns..~~~rni~~~!~!~~:i~;~;n.O~~~l~;o~tt~~~~~n\\~~ot~far~~lll~~~so~:ipat~ ill all the wtudowe at once made us realize "Western Maryland College function." the spirlt or cnnstmes. The Powder Puffs, who have made quite A beautiful anthem "stos. all Heavens" a name for themselves both last year and axoellently .rendel'ed by the college choir, Inits, started the program wun two numbers: under the direction 0'1 MiS;t gone Ila::e ever had. 'fhe chapel was ;~~~r~:l:~il,~(i~~'~~:;: -_.-._-_. I:~~r~~lOo~~~~~~~~~~~'6~:;~I~~~I,t~1~R~~~~~'\:~~ ~~~{ls~~~I~dwe~SSI~;O~1~Cknell,~v~~t~rtn.Mll?- ~OCCF,nt~~~~J,~Rl~:ti1~p~''fnI'OREGesner to produce Cal'tIS()S, ::vIabel Carri- - ---.---- Ille Lewl:;'burg g~\(~!~': :.~f!}:1e~~e~~~d ~~ _:_ __ '_l Stnr I SOilS,and Paderawskls. \\'hi!l!,wa~llII'be'll"roo. "RIt:r.~" S!cwnrl & "lUll" Price }'or l'nriaunted by ,their 6-{) defeu't bv Buck- Home 'J'cllIn_ HOJIE ECONo.)ITt:S SEXIOItS P),At nell. Byhams' men came back II.lie nert The val"SiLy MOCCel"team made another SAXTJ\ CLaUS S\ILllrday anti triplle(1 the ll, S. Tall'k Ccrps win rCl' Western ).lnryland when. they Tlll~l"!Idayel'ening. In the Home Economi("S leam 20-;1. in spite o-f the fact that lhe trimmed F'ranklin High Sch(J{)l, Battlmore I Pracllce Honse. fCtt.rleen guests endcyed II 'I'auks ouLwelglle-d ,them man for m81l. COUlftychampions, to tile lune o'r 2-0, ThuJY~- most del!ciou~ dinner prepared by the Next week, hOll'e,v61','lila tJtde was again ria)", December nth. Senior Home Economic girls. It was the tlll'ned, for the TelTOr'it toook a ,beating: 'Of The Hl"HChaH ended in l~ scoreles!! tie, IInal dinner 1.0 be gH'en by the Se-niors and l~'-Utr,Jm G. W. U. But ,gtiH tile tos, and all"'planes. over with their l'lct{)ry over the Caclets. the Price alll] Grace. thrcugh a series of 'The rlinnet Itself WIIS a huge- SllCCellS, (ConllulIf'1i on IIll!!'!' {('lUI'.) (ConthlUf'cl flll }luge three.) «('olitiUlle(1 on JH\ge lour.)
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