Page 32 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 32
Page 4. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. TI~~'~~"~ ~~"It~:e'~tlmIJI"'kh"~::;~~',:;t,::~;;t,:;;;;:,~:S,,,,,,,,,''.N::P~'~S,~::~:,Il~::~:y Julian P. Prtoa, a senior at. Johns Hop- and Supplies. novelties in your College Colors. ~~~~e~~ed~cOal~1!~~~~OIC~II:~en~I~~I~rlU~l~o~;~~E. Main St., Westminster. mllke Itlenl Xmas Presents. If you are going to give any Otu-iatruue ~~~~:~~;ll~~~et:~k e~~Pll.~~~~tSj;':~~il~~trf~~~' presents una year. you will want to see ~~\I~~~;'an~~la~l~!~~;Irl~l~~~~rsa~~a;~e~en~~~'~ FlA. Sharrer & Son these wonderful bar-gn.lns in felt amt the proceee by : two F's and two C's leather pntow-tops. If It's a table runner. The etrst F stands fOI' 'Full. Be full of photo album. pennant or 'banner that yon it, good wholesome run. Smfle and laugh J. FRANCrS REESE. '1;~, Prop. want we have just what you are looking and things will go easier. Tile fu-at C represents Cleanliness. Clean eyes, clean speech. and olean lives are of I ALL .KINDS OF FURNITURE 01' ~~~~~~l::~lt:I~~e8rl~I~\~1t~e U~~l~~~~~(~~~~['i~~~~ On nie neve' stne, see Shan IIallan 't'rtce. IUId on the Girls' sl(le :\1i5S Louden rectcu to the highest degree. BRUNSWICK RECORDS will gladly show them to YOIl. The second 'F means F'riendship. Remem-I A\'Oln 'I'HE HUSH! bel' "A friend Is one who knows all about yon and nkes YOU[uat the same." Have The Latest Dance Music. no Your XnlllS SltoPllillg" Ellrly. we, and are we, those kind of friends"! If/' not, why not t Are we to blame? 'rhe second Western Mar~land College :~;i::~\::;,,;"',,',i"e'~'?i"':~;~ ,~::',,"~;;:'~lDoes Your Watch Keep Right Time'! (or Chrtst. C stands te He personal illstnn.ces to illustm~e. his 1l01.nt'IDoes Your Fountain Pen Write'! and concturted wlt.h a , most VIVId eescrtn- St d t en s ~i~~\ll~~~~st~~~~II:I~a~er~l~tJj~l:~~~Iedi~~f:!~~~i.lIs Your Pencil In Good Order? U are welcomed by ~!i'~~~'h~ill~~$:Se~~~hO~~~:lY~I'~elt~Sh~~~~>:Yl~\;i If Not Bring IL To WESTMINSTER'S BEST STORE :~~I!l"~~\~Je;~~~~kc~~;i;Lne'H:I\I! ~)~I~~ ~nf)~el;:~C~:I way hut we I field nartncr. Nusbaum & Jordan must. follow. He will make the . Westminster Jeweh y :VIissKatllel'ine Richards. chairmm, of the. Dry Goods & "Ready To \Veal'" Y. W. religions tneeting~. presidcll. and I Shop Philip Royer )'elHlel'ed a ve)"y plea~illg a))[1 9-11-13 E. MAIN STREET delightful violiu solo, nCCOllll)anie(!I)y :'liss ~~~~~~~~~~~~I :'111"1011\RDyer at the piano. We will repair it at a reasonable SEE YOURSELF \Hsn:n~ IUlt:II~\~~'Ot~~T ('O:"iH"",'W:,\, price. 10% reduction made on mer- British I AS Students [r{lm~le~ west of tlle Ichandi~e for students, and faculty. RockieR. rrom ).lclCieo and from WILSON I~::,:'';;~''~o~:;~',;~ol~"~~';"t;r';;:;;f;:~~,,~'g::COURT LUNCH cember 27th to January Srd. SEES YOU The West CoaHt IntN-racial problem. i WM. E. ECSHENBACH, Prop Soda & Cigars SOCi!!11 Confectoincl'v anll- AIl1f'j'ican Wilson Studio Chrh,Urmity service. the present need for )llell 187 E. Main St. vit:t! training for and IH·ol)lems. education ., rhri~tiall ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~n~:~~~o;;~l~I~~~~\~t~anfl~~rvi~f~lean~I;~il!lt~,~\~I ' _ - lite Rervice. are the prohlems listed for diS-I WESTMINSTER t)c & lOc STORE Westminster Hardware Co. CII;~11:1~~~OOdE(l(ly, B1Rhop F .. J. ~leConnel1: 57 E. Main St. Westminster of Pitlfl'!J\l\'g, I·'runcls P. ),Iiller of New next door to York, James A. ErHllcis of Los Angeles allil Westminstel' Meat Market .tOBBETtS IN AJ,L KINDS Oi~ [-Janison S. Elliott of llle Union Theo- logical Semflllu'y of New York. are among Same Goods at Lower Prices. ~1~~h!\~iil~~line1"Sscheduled 10 [H1rl1"ess lhel~~~~~~~~~~~~ HI·II.HI~I1S· ~I'PPI,I~~S ~l~{f;~~~~~:til)~~\~hi~~e~'lllal~~~ill~~.~:~se~fT. W. Mather & Son ,\~J) They will present full daw on 1.helr \'e-I S\lcct!ve subject lothe (;onventlon llerore (~t~.,"};IIAJ< HAnlln-,tHF. tile (llscllsslon begln~. Nell' Student.) I Westminster's ('The Compliments Of A WEHLER & KING I Leading Store IlllUGG1STS The Rexall Store Friend WESTMINSTER Mf' I I WESTMINSTER, Mil
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