Page 33 - BlackandWhite1924-25
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THE GOLD BUG Vol. 2, N, 9 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Dec. 9, '24 .~~!~:~n~_~~~~JN~,~~~~~a~,~~~i~"..~,~~~:,~~~ ot ,_ I i\1Irl~~.a'!~fl%~~I'~OI~~~i!l~a;n\~~~~~a~eit:ea~~~ I lllllr,hmd l~II!,~e10:n;.:.' Short)' Friday eVeIllL1g,II~1lU~!~th Hall, Irving's Western Maryland wound up the 1924. r~'omJnent among the selected ~ell are: I trio ot eeuaters over whelrutngly defeated football season with an trunresetve victory' ~'ll'st team, Byha m (tackle); ,Silllll, (full- Webster on the nueeuou. Resolved: That over Mt. St. Mary's by me score of 3-0. The, back). and Perry, (cent~r); second team. the United Stales should adopt the Eng-lish small score does not Indicate the extent. to Long. (half) and McR'3ble, (guard). All ofI Parliament eystem of GovernmenL whtch the Tenors outplayed the .•tounts.! these mentioned nre we.~tern Maryland:" Potee, clearness and control received by (HI 13yharu's men registered 21 tlr~t downs I' riepenr In S:ate f?otball clr~les. but an at-, ernment had .them. They also proved. it Team was mentloned I were nulled In lavor oC another pen- ta(k. of p ellmo~!a ke;lt linn out of the I would !lot be hard to LlIt~oduce the Parlla- alty, and Hurley punting out of danger in- cr!!,c!al gn:lles of tile schedule. . I men,t .system Into tha U!llted States. curred oIJypenalties drawn. Whenever the Ihe ent!!'a Varsity The most commendable parts ot the de- Ten-aI'S got within striking distance of the for tlrst 0[' se~ond team, lIut shades of dlf- bate were the keen thought a~ the splendid goal, a penalty was In!lIcted which would r?rell~eS k.~"t Itwo more men f)'om dis" anangemellt of the deJbate of the negative canse los'S of the !ball as well as a riot 01 tln~\l!~he(\ JObs, by Chapin Day and at ~he almost sUj)sr- protesL Otfring the last rew minutes 01 --.-- I hnman .efforts of Ballard Ward to turn the play, Sillin, Long and Hurley corroborateo ~'ItOSIl 'I'IIDr SOPIIS IN '\:"iNUAL GlIIn' tide of public opluion and defeat Into vlc- lO get the ball witbin tile Mounts' 30-yara CONTE~'r I tory. ~I:l~!~~~ro~h~I~~0~f:~c~~~k~1 t:e ~~~~!~fUI gr~~r:nri~~/~g~!C~~:'~en5t~~~ 1~~h!~~~:~ tl;:~t;~:!'~~;\h~;~ta~~e~a~~:ag~)e~~~n~:g:~ t?!t );~uf::sre\eil~h~~v~t~~~!C s~~l:rt~~ll~yw~~~ ~I:~l(r~:s~~~~yw~e S~~E~dp~~r!!Otf:n:~~~~~I~1:tc:rl;tro:~~!t~~ir~n~U~:~~iv!U~!~. away time this paper reachee press, This Is to fully down so that by fO\lr o'clock lhe time ----- be :egretted in face of the fact that the scherluled for lhe gnme, ttle field ;"'as more 1'ERRORS BJlNQOF.TED AT E"~rEnSON offiCIating was the cause, wher.Ba's the of- like a swamp than a site for sueh an Im- The best football team that Western flclals seemed to Ibe distinctly llOI!])Rl'tH:1RII:[)Ol'tallt lJa~tle. However, both teams wcre 11aryland has produced in a nUlll'ber Dr The Terrors regret the, fact a~ Jllllch a~ ,Ietcl'mined that weather conditlolls could yeara was rewar'ded foJ' t)lelr successful seems ~oes :1.11St, )1ary s, and !t Is l~opedI not ~top their desire for "blood," so they season in the form or a 'banquet a·t the th8.t tlungs will be smuothed ont satlsfac' ')lun.E!,edright In and had a regular ~nud- Emerson Hotel, Baltimore, last Saturday at torlly. ;lillglng parly nil their own, Tile audience 7:3{1,Po M, ___ ._ .• wa,~ cunSplC\lOliS by its a'hs-ence, Ibnt the Every member or the Tarsity squad was I n. O. 't', C. A~~OllNCES ~~:r~l o~t~ernc~h~~lr~or:er~~:;' eft~eevra~f:e.I~ ~,~v~lt;\~I"C~:l~~li~l:e c~~~he: ~~l~e~o~~ 19'!!) AI)pon1'.'n;~'rs I reI'.' loyni, hOll'ever, could Ibe alumRI were present. ' The following appointments and a'ssigll~ seen on the side. l!nes. After feas-tlI).g all such eats' as turkey, ments of Stndent Officer~ and l'I:on-Com- At 4: 15 tll.e mud began to fly. The Fresh- oyMers, steak, l)Otatoas_ peas, etc. "Bob" missloned Offieers In ,the 'R. O. T. C. Bat- man were I!,'lventhe kick-off, "Reds" Smith Gill made a speech on "A Better Western t;Jlion. Westel'll ':vJal'ylan.d College, [aI' theI ".lIt the .PigRkln sailing to .the Scph'a five :l.1aryland," not only In respect to athletics. collegiate year 1924-25 are announced as 1'3nl Itne. Buck cau2ht the- ball and ran but in every possible branch ot edUCational follOWS: ,MaJor, Alhert A. Darby; Captain alloul 75 "ards, It looked as though he had activity. "Bob" "'Poke or the work or ~a~;,nI~~~~a!' ~'. c,rr~~~;;~~~,;~~~ ~~doen:; I ftr;!ae~1dt::la~~ ~~e~!(~~~IIo~~Il~~dfh:n c~~: ~~~i:tas:t ~~~~~eSt~~ahr~l~W;~"~~~~'r~~~t h~~ ~Ie~~~~~~~: ~~~~et: ~'C~~~\~~.n1\':~~: ~Jtl~I ~ti!~~~c:r orll~~efi~1:0S~I~~h!h~o:il~b~~fl~dr~~I~::~~~~Sth~nt~~~ef~r ~~~'Ir ~~irftISI~ ~~'::1~~1~ lml' A, Clark and Lleut. Da'vld E. Taylor; . ,score. up f'l'om 'behind in several or the games' and Adjutant. Capt. K Wal"field 'Sterling: As- In the early part or the second half one "bl'ln~ home -tile-bacou," sl~-tant Adjutant, 'Liellt. Pall I R, KellbauglL:lor the Sophs fumbled the Ihall from a punt. Dr. Wal'd then spoke of the financial lntelligence Omcer, Lieut. C. E. BI!:Jh: SLlP- and Reusch [l'OUnCeothe pigskin over the campaign and donations promised. ~~PZ~c~m~~,~ta~~e~t,T',J~i~:li~~~i~~~~~~~ j. gO~,~~I~r~~~~~~ ~~~e C:~I~~e:dO~:~:iV~a::~ \ $O~~,lts;~~e ~:;.~o~~V~::~bl~reOrt~hele;;:vaW~_ Drum Major, Lieut. E. E. Phnre-s. I tlrely, after Ihls, aud held tbe iSophs un-tll lug attltnda among the squad, Non-Commissioned Officers: First Ser- the whlslle blew. Last on the program was Ralph Cover, goonts. Lewellyn L. Ashburne, Company A, Buck lind Parr were the Sophs shining who frave an enlhusiastlc talk on the lIew and Chapin W. Day. COmpany B: Color IlIghlS' while Roberts' and S-mith held the eligibility rules for state colleges. He con- (CflIltinuetl OIl lmge rOllf.) glowing bencon fOl' the "rats." (CmlfhlUPtl on llil\fe fQllr.)
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