Page 35 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md.. Page 3. 1..IT'fIJE l..OCJ\1,S Hubert Johnson '28, is convalescing In the Maryland Gener-al Hospital arter an operattou for appendicitis. He. was one of uiose chosen to represent webster ill the I annual debate :and was crecucanr pre- pare,d for the cOIl.test when he was taken sick two weess ago. Mrs. Ward, Miss Emmert, and Miss 'I'roy I SIlClioLa most enloya'ble evening as the , genjor- Home Economies girls in we Prae- ttce House, Saturday evening. Several Seniors stayed in their home I to'wns after the holiday In order to do-some practice teaching. Ethel Horney. Lelia Hlte. Elma 'Lawrence, Vernelda Close, .M·Rr}, Mehring and Edna Miller were those who took a "vacattcn." :-.1isses Letzear, Lederklng. Dryden. Ward. Whaley, nnd Sommerville cooked Supper in McDaniel kitchenette Saturday night. Eat Visit Our Display in drink and he merry. seems to he the motto of thl~ happy cTowd. The Clubroom Six Northerners, members or the Y. J. 'C. Triangle Cluh entertained eight Southern On WEDNESDAY, Dec- lOtho friends In "1e-Daniel Hnll reception rOOIl1 erosresetve games Oil F'rlday ot ntght. Rook and Flinch furnished the entertain- ment. A complete showing of new styles at :-'1errill holds the· world's record for Lhe moderate prices longest run from a completed pass for a The play was In the touclH!own tlJis year. rnmouc l!n!versity game at Lf-T!H10ver,Pa. e:QAiiTY~HOP ( II H U8 .(loth es I r'resumun class BUG Nl;l\ S llmlted to lSl}l}O oar stIictly ,-?a/tlmOlPdo/ /ib!!JY .it(W{S ~~ ~~~;Ic~;:~~n~!U~~~~S:rCC:it~~~ntsW~~~ ~::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::-:::::::~::-:=::;;;;;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::_:::;__:;:;;;;::::_::::::::;:::;-;::;'I ~~~kSC~I~~g:u~~~~~~ea~ft~r ~1d-ltea!F~~tl~~: ist ror all THE QUALITY SHOE SH I ~~~eI1:ki:;~~e~~ve ~~IT~~~~~.utptoma, the matnclllahng befo1e students Alw<'ys Something New In OP l1'u\tloll buts rend.are
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