Page 34 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 34
Page 2. 'I'he Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG I UASIi:t:'I' nAI.L i "Estllhllsbed lSILi" A weekly newsnaeer devoted to. making Prnettce S(m~o.. Begun iUondlil'. I western 'Mar~la'!)d' College, a Bigger, ccacu "Ken" Shroyer uas Issued the' THE FIUST NATIONAL BANK ~~tt~~e I~tS~il~~t~:nio:~~;eP~~N:~:.d I ~~~lc~~:eb~o":,1~~~!'~'!!:el~dh~~~ S~~~~l~~~;l~::~i OF WESTMINSTER o--~o--o I athletes have been gIven, a rest emcc uia : roctereu at Pest Office at westmmeter, Md"l close of tootball season, b.llt there w_1I b.l I -WES~l')I1NSTER - 1tli\UYLAND as secoou-ciass mail metter. no let up until lhe ~hl'lstmas hol-j~aY3. Accepted tor mailing at special rate of After that It will .be a .~teady ,grind nutil [ ('AI'I'I'lU, $J2r.,~OlJ.OO SURPLUS $12:1,11(10.01) Jl~~~~g~r~ol~~:l~13~0;9i~,!~~~~~I1.!~03 th~'hc~o::h~:IU\I:e hSa~:S~:tl;e~~a~~~Pletol as IJacob J. Weaver, Jr., President. February 71 1924, b~~t~s~;nl~;~n(~e~v>!l'~tl~Lewis K. Woodward, vice-President. o--~o--o of last ycare regulars nave heel! 10M to the, George R. Gehr, Cashier, Subscription prices by mall. payUlble in team this year, 'Shroyer has a wealth or' advance. $2,00 per year. veteran material .to build around. Sta!lleY'I---~-~-~-~~~ 0--0----0----0 center man, and Flanigan, fnst shooting TlfE GOLD BUG STAF1F forward. are the men missing, $~I~~l~dwi"ll~~:'l '26...... ~la,na,g\llg ~d~to~ B;:~~;:'n~~I~~~~~;lb~~~~\~:a~~l\ I;!~~~,,~,~~ICE CREAM, ij~II.~~;~e~e?:~~~:': '::g:::::~.~~~£;:t:~~~~I ~:~~~h;rg~:~i;lgY~;ll;~,e ~I~~I~men are "Reds" SODA WATER, gll'~,~~ t~':'.~'lt:2?ii .; ·.:Ai~'~~: ~":::::I"ES"'EI" --;;:;;':':~;-;;("'TEHS LOSE GINGER ALE. ~~l"t~;'~ll1~~uP\~!~~I:tr'~6 ~~::: :~~~~~~~ll~~Sj,,'.I.\~~I: TO F. & )1. '" POP 3 10 2 in.I Lewis K. Woodward, ·27 ~sst. Bus, .\lgl" Fr-ankf ln and :'-Iarshall 80CCel' team 4;)- SHIPLEYl SHIPLEY! Robert Unger, '27 , Dirculattou .vtgr-. Ieated Western :vIUI'YlUll.dbooters A Thomas H. Eaton, '27 ." .Aset, Glrc'u .. Vlgr. a ~l{).l;e(lnd exc\(iJlg gume al LallcJ.stCI'. P(I. Iways on Top. Professor G. S. Wills .. ,.FacL1lty Advisor Saturuay. L"ecemher lih The op"OllenLS score.l soon arte'f the gnm·~ started, bnt Western .'ilarylanli even{lLI lJ\el~ __ ~~ ~ WJ{ES'l'UN"G when Lin])Y ,booted lile secolHI goal - f.T~~.stv!ees~~nUl~~~)!I~d g~::~1~0~~~ce~f;:'~!~t~ ) ~"J\Wn'~:~~~~~!~~r~:';ta~::~C~lrtlo~~IBabylon & Ljppy Co hug on the "hilL" A.; a. be!;inner, h was a 3 corne)' kiCk. ~ • very aocreiount Vernon Chnrch Always not as ret closed, C. R. W. IPresent WOl'ld :SHIlaUon." This was hase(l ___ on an Intensive st.udy of Co1l111ilion.sin Ueady Sh."YS('IUI'ING A'1' $10,01)0,000 EUTOIle made last summer on a \'lgit fol' To serl'e J)t:U ~CItAl>E I tlHlt purpose" imperialism I I Stlldent~. Above the smoke and cinders of Pitts- I Dr. Eddy stated. matel'llllism. burg wlIl rise the tallest university ill the I and communism play a great f'!lctol' in wo!'id. According to a report by John G. the situation as round In {lie world today., CHARLES KROOP ~t~~!~gh~h~~~ell~~O~!B:~e "g~~~!~~~r~~,~Jl:;~'u,~:I~~taLt~~~~~;~ l~illa cl~~~:ll)el;h~~ g::'I Leadmg S~oe Repair Shop learning WIll do its akyS'Craplng (10m the I League ot Nations and take hel pal t iii the I vanlage point of 52 stOiles whIch celestial 'Vodd :Court .cOIllt'tlons III OUI own COUIl- 2» .'asi Ualn Street privilege wlIl CORtthe tillstess and alumnI tIl' wele then lakell up Exlstjn~ lahar t~~~~r:l~~ O~~~~ttS~:h ne;~a:~~le ~f ~~e-I ~;;I~~~~~IBt~~l:~I~~dll~~ll:lae:;~r~e:a/~1 ol~h~~l~I For College Students Only: commodate 1200(} will be GOthlO In st~le lolled and sweated were riescl'libed nS)1ll Men's soles and Goodyear R. heels and bnilt of white Kentucky Hmestone. n IheIII'ahle RIH!unbelie\·~hle. I will tOII'er 680 feet, and will be eQllippe(1 I The speaker has worked among the) $1.50 ;;~~el'6 t:~rh~~~~:~so~!ev;;~~\)l I~ig~e/e~, ~~t:~~~t8all~r t~~P~~~a:{~::t, 9~I:linlll;o~~{\I~f~Ladies' soles and Goodyear R. heels ~~::.~~~et~,,
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