Page 110 - BlackandWhite1924-25
P. 110
Page 2. The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. THE GOLD BUG . 1~~~~,s'e~o~~o~:~~U\)de:s:;~t~~tst~~t:h~~: Babylon & Lippy Co. A weekly newspaper deVOUHl to making columns o-t the G~ld Bug. A greater teej- W~set~t:: %a:t~::'~i:n~o~~~ge;u~l~~~~er, ~~~e~ ~~~l~S~~!h~a~~~ t~~ s~~~e>l~t.~~e~~t~FLORSHEIM SHOES lby the students {or the college. bo::.h·ese ea-e Just a tew of th-e aims whIch STETSON HATS o~--o--------o tne etucent l!).ody should hllJVe In mind, for Fmtered at P05t Omce at wesunmeter. Md., next year. Surely rw it h the exuertence of International Made-to-Measure Suits as secoud-ctaes mal! matte!". two yaRrs service The- Gold Bug, next year, Accepted tor mailing at special rate cr ou~~"c\~~~~t r~;~:ftat~\lIllstic, lrul.lI.. v.:e the- ,hand'kerchler, and s-eveJ"ul gl1ess\ng:~_~~~~~~~~_~ ~~~~gsa_~.~I~r;~~:'CCJ~~~ll:~~~i:~~l;e c~e.~l~I~~i r~:e~e·~~·eg;,~~;;e~'~II~~~IO,~:t t~~g:,~llI~l; I to than'k the Gold Bug Maff, whose earnest liang 'polnted sUcks. N~edieSs. to say none ""EstablIshed 186,"" The happy members- I and vll.LuQlblecooperation has llIeunt the -ol the eats wel'e lett. financial and edlto,rlal success of the l~a,[lel" of the party hiked t'wO miles' lJack LO lhe THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK· an{)ther col1ege year. J want to especially I Hill !IlTiving In time for sUPlle1"· praise the sp1endld work of the edlt()l' __ 0__ O}l~WESTMINSTER "Bill" Veasey nn(~ his Worthy associates. RUG NEWS • ~~?::e e~~~~se\!~.~ ~~!:'l~'~~:~~bl\~h~8em~'~ "Look Ime. I'm going to leave .. I"ve nevoe!"I WES'l'm:\'STlm. - IUAnnANJ) suC"cessful year, edit.orially. 1'~HW Ballard I seen such dirty towels In my llfe, and r CAPI1'AL $12;';,000.00 SUHPLUS $12;';,0110.00 ~~r:,;h~~::;!'~r~lan;~te; a~~ h~~:~SIS~~I~~ n~~~~;t~~u~v~d g~~Yasf:~gue in yOur head,"' IJacob J. Weaver, Jr., President. brou ht about ·the financial SU'CCN3$" of thl'"l w:s. th7, landlady's C.~1I·.f. reply. ..'. .. g "'Bug " To the other members ot the !!-ta.ff ...ea. was the qUlck reSI)Ollse, but 1m, LeWIS K. Woodward, Vlce-Presldt.nt, IGeorge R. Gehr, Cashier. I \vis'h to ~I'v-emost hearty thanks tOl" lhe,I' no cat." . friend or m}' room-mate. i~ __ ~_~ ~ sP~I~edl~~dOr~~g has passed, 1 '\)eliE'Ve, its Ji~h. (.hat girl's's ~:[~~tls~~:X'~:\"~I~ne~~~~~;t:~si~~l~ti~"nCVI~l~ ! A~d this j.!t lilY room-mate'S llUL College Hlll; .(;10 It 'behoves each ancl e,yery I 110t.her-Come here John]!!'!, I've SOlllt! Run To S HIP LEY'S ror EAT S 10YIIl'Western )laryhHlder. 10 Sllppo~t It I goad news for you. (I> Ule best of his or her ablllt}· .. It IS yOUI' Johnnie. (,without enthllslasm)-Yoes. I HIS HAM SANDWICHES p-aper: and nmenllber you are just a~' truly know, brother is home from college. an edHor as thoB€ on -the staff. ::Wother-Ye-s, \)nL how did you 'know? Your commenls. your writings. are more Johnnie--:'II'y b .. nik won't rattle any more. Ihan wolcomed. Let each alld everyone of _ CAN'T BE BEAT us determine within oUI:selves to .hoost r.h~ I A tip ror "Howdy Week:" r~~~~I.~~~le~~~~~e;IIl\~·:;(\J~~~~r:;S~dl~lIC~~l'C~~I k~:~~}' ~~l'i;O~~t ~~t h~l ~O!~irl~ar~,11don't latlon. 1 A FRESHMAN DOWN EVERY Nex·! y-esr we shollid. \)y -all mcans. have I Bill Collector (to :iIra. Satan, sweetly):- a larger psper. Some crecllt shOuld nn- Here's II bill for YOU. HOUR FROM SEVEN TO TEN rlonhtedlr IX' given. in Ule way of colle:;:e ~Trs. flatau-Go to the rlevll
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