Page 7 - BlackandWhite1924
P. 7
f Green Terror Sports WHO IS WHO AT WESTERN MARYLAND '1'In: ,\TI11.1~'I'IC S\'S'rt:.'1 .\:'i II"S'I'I'IT'J'EU A'I'Ill,E'I'U' I)lUEC'I'on HY n ex snuovan Two years ago whan. Wes.e>;n Maryland Cortege necuteu to secure a new man ',I HIKe unar-ge Of auuence. Ken Surover, Hite r ,(U~ ('ODH)UeI'Rtion wua [)lace(\ iH Lilt! neau or Ihe ship wttn jnsnncuona to rane emu-e cunrg;e or the athletic program or western .1!lI.rYlauIL H.e was tore to uo tna \1(;81 W rnaugur-ate and oerrect an nuueuc pnncy war. womrt tnuure ana ateauuv uuprove w,"!! coming year's. When Shroyer started his work thin~s were at enn-uoe nnd everytlung halt 10 be buill anew. He ha.~ ueeu very successru. on. A. N. WAHO, "'re~itlellt 0" W•. 11. (_'. :~l~:lr~ ~\:~~~gfoun;. All lile games at Ilome ~11'~j)laye(! in the We~tmill- ,;t('r A1'mory on LOlli:II'pll HtrP(:'I, anLi the town peop],' or \Y(.'~llllin~ler Hre li1'ln ~up- porterS of the lean_\. Thp I\'UIll will ;nl~lIt:nrl all aNion fM!1 week, ,Lue to (')(,llllinations Hf'lIInlllin~ ~(·h\'dllh'. I!'eh. I;. .Blue Rirlge I'nlli"ge HI \\'t1~tmjn- LeHoy IlyIHJ.m. the mall that III to captain ~tel'. llw of Western .~Ip.ry. 101,:4 g!'l(lll'un t'llwen l~f'b. D. 51. John'~ Colh'ge at AnnHpoli~. Innd l'onw~ ITom Ihe liltle town of Kane, I,'eb n. Loyola Culh~'£'c al Wfosllllin~lI'r I'll., whel'<' he t:nuluated from the Kane B'eh l~ .. \hlir Naval PO~I ;11 j,'ourth Heg'l- digh ~chool in 1920. There he made all ment Arlllory. Hulrim!)n' [illl(> :\(1\'1 8tale olle ye'ar and W(l~ Captain ofhis tea:n ~»h. 16 .. \It. St. :\1:ll'y'lI Col1",I;t· al \\'",<1- toll (1\'('1- Punk lI'itiJ ~O!lll!in"lion h(';\t! J(H"k (01' IhrN! consecut!\'e seasons. Byham Wellt !:Iter', Feb. In. Y. :\1. H. A. U! ('Ill'l!n~ Park, B;l1li- ancl hGtil' haiti in 57 Sf'r'on(\!I. Jleu\,,\'\\'f'!ght co BuckneU Cnlvl:rsity whe)'e he made .l d:,~~ l';lll\~t \\'(1ll ill 1 minute, (.+ !1<'l'Ollri!>. hy .:,:~~it~.V\~~l~\h al~;~n~I:~lt r~l~rghe~.~eC~~~~Og:l~~ 21. \Vasil. {,oll~ge at '\\'e~llllia~t{)I·. filII lI'il<1 hotly hold Ol't')' 1':Uint,L W._ .\1. .\lp:llh'il1e. 1',1.. where he 1I1~omalle a varsi(1' ~G. C,ltilOrlic l·nil'l'I'~ir.\' ill W('SLllIiu· ___ p<):.;iliun anti Will; tlil'ke,lnlllhpall-~t:lleteal~1 st ..r ,Ill no\\' ouc 2!). J31u(> Rirl.c;:e ('01. at WeHminsLCI "S,\-,I" Sl'IIHFU:I,J) "ntl Illl' till' Un,,,,n E:I~IC'l'n kllnl, lind He iii io 1[124 lit' 'I'(tI'l'()I' nH'H, I of 1. y, :\1. H. A, (II W"'~tl1lin~tc)·. Mal'. 5. Loyula at Baltimore, tlle S~~!:I\~t~:I~:~:~l:a~~o~h;o~~:~1..~~:"h~:~~::~;~~Ylba(,ndth:la~~\~;~[\UI l;0g_ in the WE'stel'D "'tar. 7. Mt. S1. :\1al'Y'~ at E:mmitSlbul'g :<'1al', 11. Allied Chlb :lot Wtlstluillstel'. a I!U(:COSSof :tD}'tlllnr, hI! tries. rou ALL K:'WW "BY."
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