Page 36 - Contrast2008
P. 36

Notes on a Piano

       Hidden in her place behind the blue cur-     ting his expectant arm drop to his side..           f
tains, she surveys him with nervous grey eyes.
It surprises her when she sees him that he is              She bites her tongue against the Strlng. 0g
only six feet tall. In her dreams he is twice       questions bubbling for th th at sh e has been .saVidIn
that size, looming and strong. She watches
his erratic movements as he puffs on a ciga-        for so long. Instead, she curt 1y no ds.himas IhneSfIoel-,
rette and slams his car door shut. She expects
more grace in the ordinary toss of his hand as      and her chest is a tight expanse of pam, hall
he flicks sparkling ash away from his wrist and
more charm in the way he bluntly carries him-       lows her over the threshold and down the .
self. She watches him roll back his shoulders
and settle better into his dress shirt. He inhales  Music          is playing,  ...-     the  car    .  h Jo.c1ed-
deeply and then looks up, finding her form                                      filling
tucked away in the window beside the door.                                                         ~lt
He stares squarely at her trapped in this blue
house on top of a windy hill, surrounded by         lyn's favorite song. Brown cur 1so"fhalr are pIsehe
flowers barely visible on this starless night.
                                                    on top of her head. "Here, in your arms'd fill
       He rings the doorbell, but it does not
register to her as noise. Instead she hears her     belts into the car, feeling the carefree s~~~ art
daughter scream and retch inside her mind, and
her stomach clenches in a spasm. She quickly        the air around her. It's the most beaut~llu sme
jerks open the door, breathless now and mo-         of day, a fleeting day, wehre tehsta rs WI C.O
mentarily blind.                                    out early and chase the sun i.nto th e mornlllgĀ·

       Her husband, Mike, calls from the kitch-                              ...- ch across
en, "Is that Pete?" He tries for upbeat, but the    Mike and Marian sit. on the cou all hold
heaviness in his words sinks the rising inflec-
tion. She flinches as Pete extends a hand, and      from Pete in an arm ~chair, and they h nd
instead gives a tight lipped smile and a whisper
of hello. Her face seems to Pete as he knew it      drinks in a sensitive way. Marian has her re is
:,ould, ten years older than last year, lines rak-  on MI.kes, leg, and a 1iĀ·tt1e too muc h        dporewsdsnuMI.natrO-
 lUg her skin where pathways of tears have left
 their mark. Her hair is shockingly grey, and       flowing from her fingertips, b eann. g
 ~er eyes have taken on a constant puffY, heavy-
 lidded look.                                       him. The couches are big and fluffY, .an 1bey

        "Hello, Marian," he says with a sigh, let-  ian fights against their sinking sensatldo~. 0 the

                                                    were purchased when they first rna ve int. and
                                                    house, twenty years ago. use d toh SIltittle

                                                    snuggle into   the folds     of   t  hHe ecrusdhai1u0gn,hstderWeroIIuulpd
                                                    girl crawling  toward       her.
                                                    giggle, and her big brown eyes wo ul wlee even

                                                    with excitement. Marian would snulg hter's

                                                    deeper into the sofa, waiting for her :u~nallY

                                                    soft body to reach her. And when s he chest

                                                    did, Marian would scoop heerr cclase (0 eIrd traCe
                                                    and breathe in her baby smell. She wou cheek
                                                    her knuckle over her daughter's smoot h

                                                    and make small fluttery noises of lov:. firmly
                                                           Now Mana.n S.ItS upng. h t, her leet
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