Page 37 - Contrast2008
P. 37
Monikthe flkoso'r an d wai.ts cror her husband to strike wall. She scratches her nails through the lav-
and bPet e ab out hiIS gI.r.lfriend, hI.S farni.l.y, ender paint and kicks forcefully at a chair. Her
heart is aching and bouncing with everything
I-i.directlIyS)0 Pete I.S fidgety, but always answers she can't think of, with all that will never come
to be bearing down upon her with the weight
illemb . IS eyes seem different than she re- of a thousand years. And with her last ounce
of energy, she moves over to her nightstand to
Iy illo ersb.the rn, more sunken m. and yet slight- remove her sewing shears. She turns to her bed
her sre d.nght . H·IS Calm disposition unnerves and begins to make small incisions and then
long, jagged tears, cutting and slashing until
Ma,riaenn' Ihng h er nu.n d spi.nning. Suddenly, her comforter is all feathers and fabric, flutter-
she is b s ~ oughts are plunged through ice, and ing around her feet.
When Mike finds her, she is asleep, curled
black :c at the funeral, dressed in bottomless
up in a ball on the floor. Porcelain is smashed
her n~ct grandmother's pearls draped around by her face and hands, glass litters the carpet,
and she is surrounded by a mountain of feath-
skirt is u· . She ~tands rigidly, the fabric of her ers. He lifts her small body, and she is jolted
The caskllld.entlfiable, and the lighting is dim. awake".I hate him," she breathes into the bed-
room, even before she recognizes Mike. He
The fu et IS closed, and Mike is beside her. pats her head gently. "I hate him," she hisses
again. And then she is sobbing and pounding
noise onferal h orne I.S overly decorated, and the
aillo suppressed sobs mixed with greetings at Mike's chest, screaming.
"Marian! Marian!" he shouts. "Calm
sendnsg hte. arful fn.en d s d roops her shoulders and
Peop] s Ivers up h er spm. e. An endless line of down!" But Marian only wails louder, and
Streane-.are fsahngki h ands, hugging, and crying. Mike begins to shake her, harder and harder.
sloW•l.y. s 0k tee nagers, teachers, and neighbors Finally he drops them both onto their ruined
dol sna e up to t h e couple to offer their con- bed, weeping and out of breath.
Hours later the lights are still on, and both
doeesnnc·es embraces them all, and she
I.nside ot cry. H er eyes are re d and hollow, her of them are awakened from their restless sleep.
gethers .are iceo 1he regrets begin to flow to- Marian's head is on Mike's shoulder, and her
legs are wrapped around his. She touches his
Pete a Into one tangled pit of words. When cheek, "I hate him," she says, her voice break-
fore h pproaches, Marian knows who he is be- ing. "I carried her for nine months, and she was
arOuned sha.ys anyt himg. She sees Pete with a haze
mine before anyone else's," tears leak from her
his sho ld, body, an ethereal light coming from eyes. "I saw her first intake of this world." Mar-
ian crumples her hand into a fist, her finger-
Strick u ers and his strong hands. Pete looks nails drawing warm slivers of blood from her
cannotenash e i.ntroduces himself, and Marian palm. She rolls over, giving herself up to her
grie£ Mike is left to his own anguish, clutching
and hu m~ve even an eyelash. Mike is crying his empty arms in those terribly dark hours.
ian is ggl?g Pete, holding him tightly. Mar- Here in the living room Marian's eyes have
th.lng ua Wf IIldted flower, an d she watches every- glazed over, and the churning in her stomach
tiilles t n 0 around her. For the first of many
scream.o come ,s hee IiS start Ied by her daughter 's
Th III her head.
body is e. funeral is mercifully over, and the
gIass is shIII th e ground, and later that night,
Marian's ~:~~ed, and the mirror hanging above
bed to th IS on the floor. She runs from her
scream e closet, flinging open the door She
She OWsnwdild]y an d rnips _every pI.ece of clo.thm. g
delicate ~ own to the floor. She smashes her
and, crumpled into a fist, against the