Page 38 - Contrast2008
P. 38

is so unexpectedly sharp that she suppresses a       course, " he says. Buutt imnSsiId e he begins to .ache,
yelp. She excuses herself and walks rigidly into     the terrible ache of reliving, of hearing slre~s,
the kitchen, where she touches the cool mar-         screamm. g, and desperate moans, J.Ust to bring
ble surface of the counter and spins one of the
wooden chairs. She props her elbows up near          peace for this family.
the sink and leans heavily on them, letting her
head fall into her open hands. She remembers         Jocelyn was thi.nki~ng, as a1ways, of w. here
a day when her daughter was home after mid-
dle school sitting with her feet crossed under       she was headed next. The song on the radiOwas
her, doodling on her homework at the table.
Her daughter laughs because she is stumped,          soft now, and she let her mind wander to green
and holds her hands up in frustration. "1 don't                                                   er      dresses.
think I'll ever understand," she says, but her       fields,  shafts  of  sun 1ighr,  an d  summ             d
voice is lighthearted. Marian unpacks groceries
 and shakes her head, prodding her daughter to       She loved to make scenarios in her hea ~~
 focus and try again. Her daughter narrows her
 pretty eyes and conjures all her might to solve     follow songs; this one brought to mind a glr
 her math problems, until she gets frustrated
 and stops once more. The pattern repeats it-        sneaking off with her boyfriend. She
 self, with small stories and smiles exchanged in
 their daily process of homework. Her daughter       birds around her flying through the sky in ~l1ne
 sings some of the questions out loud to Marian
 and fiddles with her pencil, swinging her hair      to the rhythm of the music, and felt happIness
                                                                                                 houg ht  about
 around her face.                                    for her imaginary couple.             Shet           - h at
        Marian raises her eyes now to look at the
                                                     the secrets they shared and the moonlightft h
 chair, but after a year of waking up and flying                                                 hfioroumgh. tth0e  te
 to her daughter's bedroom with hope pressed         they were     waiting for.   She aIso t                         .
 into her soul only to find a stiffly made bed,      fn.end she    was gom.' g   to pICk up                         alr~
 she has no expectations. The chair is empty.                                                                        he
 Marian curves her back forward, willing it to
 again be filled, and covers her eyes with her       port, Anne, whom she had known sl~ce.~es
  thin, feeble hands.
                                                     was a little girl. They always had gOOdt~ling
        When Marian rejoins her husband and
  their guest, Mike smiles warmly at her. "There     together, taking walks in the woods an te evr
  you are," he says and puts his arm around her      loud stories. Anne was allowed to sleep °h y
  shoulders. He looks at her with a meaningful                                                      d soon t e
  glance, asking for unspoken approval. Marian       when     the  girls both  turne d ten,      an . d w
  braces herself and nods.
                                                     perfected     the art of  si.lent 1y  sli1diing the  two twn at0eh
         "1 think you know we have some ques-        open and      sneaking    out of      the house           were
  tions for you, Pete. But please, only answer       clastthe stars from her backyar.d 1heir dreamShands
  wha.t you can." M'1k e's VO. Iceis strong and as-  huge and sometimes they would                                  mise
   ~unng, and he pats Marian on the knee. Pete
   ISall eyes. He looks from husband to wife, "Of    and make promises and predictions. pro or

                                                     to never marry someone who doesn't like you~ to
                                                              , '.                               Anne wen
                                                     I bet well be famous moine stars. ld be land~
                                                     the West Coast for college and wou. break.

                                                     ing home in less than an hour for spr~ngd eveIl
                                                     Th e girls were ready to 1r·ve I.t up, exCIte ,

                                                     if they were in Pennsylvania.                        d her
                                                              So as Jocelyn flew a1ong the rohaer best

                                                     head was filled with stories of loversbeaurf of

                                                     friend, and a joy in her heart at the h oghtS
                                                                               is wehre h er last t
                                                     the day. And this         Ltor a 1oss o.f futore     0nd nO
                                                     stay, with no grie f                                 aes that

                                                     fear. They end here in the movmg tr~l addi~

                                                     surround the road, with only the sma

                                                     don of distant, kind words.                          early SO
                                                              But Pete,s rhoug hts were not n
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