Page 31 - Contrast2008
P. 31

down the carpeted hallwav careful to not scuff
hI' Sbeet in any way. The hJa'llway had no obsta-
c~es,and thus no cover, so he was relying on
hISluck to carry him safely to the keyhole of
the door. Liam raised his hand to the door to
steadyhis approach to the keyhole, and noticed
th:t he was shaking. He knew what they were
gO.tngto do, an excruciatingly awkward ten-
~tnute conversation with his father concern-
Ing birds and bees had seen to that. He didn't

111e the metaphor, but absolutely understood

the practical application.
      His eyebrow brushed lightly against the

~~avy door frame as he discretely situated
  ISeye in line with the key hole. He kneeled
 and placed both hands against the sides of the
 door frame to carefully support his weight. He

 Watchedfor five interminable minutes.
 D. Liam had his first-hand proof for his
 ~lends. He walked home and thought about

   ow maybe he didn't want to try and catch the

 ~fnakeas it lounged for him and he wondered
 1 hiISfn.ends would wish to 'have been there as

 mUchas he wished now that he hadn't. ~
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