Page 43 - Contrast2006
P. 43

all day. Correction: you always de-     turn and begin to rise out of the
fended him.                             chair, but decide against it. The
                                        musk slowly drifts away, and you
     It's 7:43pm; "Jeopardy" is on.     take "World Explorers" for $400,
You enjoy things that challenge         Alex. You recline the chair and de-
your intellect - he never did much      cide to order pizza for dinner. He is
of that. He prefers Mayer to Len-       allergic to dairy, so you ask for extra
non and never took much interest        cheese. You softly sing to yourself,
in your articles. You never called      "Remember how the man/ used to
him unintelligent to his face, but the  leave you empty-handed/always,
thought always lingered in the back     always let you down," while flip-
of your mind.                           ping though the channels during
                                        commercial. For a place that you
    As you ease into his La-Z-Boy,      had feared so greatly, you begin to
y?u notice a hint of Old Spice in the   think that this is not that bad.
air. You turn on the television and
wait for the key in the lock, but in-
stead there is a light tapping. You

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