Page 40 - Contrast2006
P. 40
David Stein
I devour these memories with the ferocity of a dragon
trying to touch you with my teeth
and when I do, these moments will blossom like tumors around the
travel your arteries,
find your softest parts and overtake you
with the passion of a revolution
or the rapture of a child
you will meet me in the spaces between your breaths
while you struggle to grasp air
and I see you futile infertile
and I know I cannot help you
as I stand and watch you drown
I was ignorant and impulsive
when I first put pen to page
first put lens to face
first put lips to lazy lovers' lives
and I know nothing more now
than I did then
but somehow I've learned something
you and we are different species
we are giant lizards
cloaked in reptilian skin
communing in humid dens
consuming the flesh of each other
and yet, our cuts will heal
we parade our scars for scores and applause
building upon ferocious egos
and good intentions