Page 38 - Contrast2006
P. 38

Skip ahead -13 years, an unusually nippy
     June. Now I was grown, the affair
     by way of headphones not as serious
     as before. Still, a single thought of your silky
     tunes tickled my spine, like the supple
     fingertips from a doting hand caressing
     my back.

     I hadn't heard
    the news until my parents told
    me you were gone. Finally, I saw your face pressed
    onto the TV screen, looking paler
    than what I'd seen before. Immediately,

    I was ashamed at how I allowed
    the passion to fade. As if someone gutted
    me, down to the core, a never-ending hole
    reverberated inside.

    That night, I pulled
    out the memorabilia of our past:
    Let's Have A Ball, The Genius
    Sings the Blues, Anthology,
    my tears making puddles
    of the dust on their covers.

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