Page 37 - Contrast2006
P. 37
Courtney Jordan
Seven, watching the Cosby
Show, a program my parents approved
of. From Cliff's old record player,
a voice declared "The Night Time
Is the Right Time" to be with the one
you love on Russell and Anna's wedding
~nniversary, as their grandchildren danced
In their honor.
On a separate occasion, the same set of pipes
sang for Rudy, eternalizing
how "It's Not Easy Being Green" -Kermit's song.
My ignorance of a face and name was irrelevant,
because at that point I was in love
With that voice I kept hearing, it wooed
I decided to pursue
my interest, borrowing CDs, tapes, old
records from Granddaddy's
Collection; the source of the melodies
finally identified. The romance
blossomed after that; night after night
he whispered in my ear
how "Georgia was on His Mind," ushering
me into my dreams.
Ours Was not a love
UnreqUited. Ray, you said
YOUrselfduring our "pillow
talk" that this "Song was just for Me."