Page 34 - Contrast2005
P. 34



        The clouds hung low in thin   served as a fence between her
 gray strings, weaving sloppily       house and the main office build-
 between the rusted smokestacks       ing of waste management. Her
 and crumbling roofs of East De-      house was a one-story rancher,
 troit. I took Exit 21 toward         with lime-green siding and shut-
 Dempsey Boulevard, a narrow,         ters that had probably been
 pot-holed stretch of road that       white in 1971 , when the house
 leads to only three places in the    was new and hadn't been
 world: the City of Detroit Waste    exposed to the wind. Dempsey
 Management plant, Dempsey            Boulevard was a vortex unto
 Boulevard Industrial Park, and      itself. The wind would billow in
 my grandmother's house.             from the north, filter through the
 We hadn't heard from her in         narrow spaces between the in-
three and a half weeks. She          dustrial park buildings lining both
would usually call Mom every         sides of the street, and would get
other day to talk about the          trapped in, creating a tunnel of
weather or how much money a          roaring, blasting air. The waste
contestant won playing Plinko on     management complex and the
"The Price is Right." But she        surrounding industrial area stood
hadn't called once in nearly a       staunchly, holding their ground
month, nor had she answered the      without flinching. But Mom-Mom
phone when Mom tried her             Sylvie's house had no prayer of
house. So on a wet Saturday          withstanding the merciless
morning, I found myself making       thrashing of the wind. It had
the two hour and twenty minute       ripped her white shutter paint off
drive from our home in Spring-       in chunks, along with roofing
tide to the outskirts of the city.   shingles, and even a couple of
                                     her chimney bricks. The high-
      Mom-Mom Sylvie's house         reaching office buildings in front
was wedged between a parking         of and alongside her blockaded
lot and a recycling station.         any trace of sunlight from ever
The five hunter green dumpsters

32 Contrast 2005
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