Page 11 - Contrast2003
P. 11
"Quietude," photo by Holly Armacost
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The ftt""n 1t"ws ~ifttt 1J
t\.5 the S~n, h-is S"ns "I Li1h-t ~t"uf{5 sh-ifttftter s""th-in1 t1J'
th-rust :bA-ckth-e fA-te ~veninfL"r~
ftte~iA-tin1 th-e C"ftt:bA-tA-nts
A- ~ruftt:beA-t "lltA-1S to A- fA-tch-1J eve-c"ftte-~A-1J
ftApJ'in1 A-1 A-inst th-efttset ves A- sentient stone sits
ext"ts th-e ~A-wnin1 :bA-ttte r=rec"r~in1 th-e ftt"rnin1's A-scensi"n
A- ~"ck in th-e ftti~~te "I tiftte
!<iJ'J'tesseeth-e A-c.r"Hth-e WA-ter
~ist"rtin1 :b"th-~eities j)isturPin1 none sA-ve th-e sJ'A-c.e"c.c.uJ'ie~
&\.s their 1tifttftters' ~uet Seein1 A-U,J'r"1reHive A-n~ sttuweri
rOl-1steh-e steeJ'in1 winf{5 IrretevA-nt to th-e S"ns
The I"u t CA-U"I tife trufttfets r:'1J'iett1J n,,:bte A-S A- ~" sh-iJ"
&\.s ftt,,,rnin1's wA-kers enj"in th-e wA-r
rec"r~in1 th-e ~A-1J th-e evenin1's J'teMure