Page 7 - Contrast2003
P. 7

ts(/{sLLLc,(/{ ofJ ose-p Vl LeJ tAste
                 by sarah coLgan

IV\,0 th~c,iz, wooLeV\, c,oot--                                IS, VlAtJ Itleo rt deo d?
she o{oes,V\,'t Looiz ot VIAe                                  t-tove I c,roo{Leo{ ~t too c.Los,eLtJ,
thoug h I trtJ to VlAOize 0 c,oV\,V\,ec,HoV\,--                sVlAotltler~v\'g title fCl~th L~ize 0 Itlorr~ft,ed VlAotltler
I woV\,t 0 s,VIA~Le,0 V\,oo{, VlAotJbe eveV\, 0 w~v\'iz.       c,rtJ~v\'g Lote ~V\,to title v\'~gltlt "wltlot hove I
SOVlAe s,~gv\' thot I OVIAreoLLtJ Itlere--                     o{oV\,e?"
Thot I'VIAv\'ot OV\, ~V\,terLoper--                            I o VIAtltlClt RoVlAClV\,Leov\'~v\'g over t-t~VIA,
A s,oc,iz~v\'g V~s,~goth,                                      About to beot h~VIAbLooo{tJ,
A c,oV\,queror of oLL but VlAtJ owV\, o{oubts,.                obL~terote the threot, obL~terClte VlAtJpClS,t.

Or VlAotJbe 0 pr~es,t wltlo s,peolzs. V\,O5v\'gL~s,1tl         TO title R.eL~q uClrtJ of Frere AV\,o{ re
to s,VIA~Les,ereV\,eLtJ ot VlAe--                              I foLLow Itler s,teps,.
see~v\'g VlAtJ bLo c,izV\,es,s, of s,p~r~t                     t-te is truLtJ o{eo o{.
AV\,o{ teLL~v\'g VIAe "~t's, oizo tJ,                          ThetJ izV\,eeL OV\,O{crtJ ot Itl~s,feet oV\,ew eoc,1tl
we wv\, s,ltlore tltl~s, pLoc,e of fo~th                       o{otJ
l{V\,HL tJ ou uV\,o{ers,to V\,O{who tJ ou 0 re 0 V\,O{
wltltJ tJou were brougltlt here."                              As, I r~s,e ClV\,O{VlAourV\, VlAtJpetttJ s,eLf.
Or o{o I turV\, VlAtJs,eLf owotJ froVIA tltl~s,
s,eLf-c,oV\,s,truc,teo{ QuO ~ c,h 0 V\,g c,o V\,e              The s,ouV\,ds, of tltle~r wo~L~v\'g wos,h over VIAe
w~tltl oLL the oV\,s,wers, ov\,o{ Os,s,urOV\,c,es, I wV\,'t    o V\,O{I 0 VIAs,orrowfuL too--
feeL.                                                          t-te wos, 0 gooo{ VlACvl\', thetJ S,CtlJ--
                                                               c,1tlClr~ttJ, Love for ClLLVlACvl\'iz~v\'o{,
she wos, pr0tJ~v\'g the s,tot~oV\,s, of the cros,s,            ov\,o{ Let us, v\'ot forget h~s, fCl~tltl.
wltleV\, I f~rs,t s,ow her.                                    t-t~s, fCl~th VlAode h~VIAs,troV\,g.
UV~v\'g the fo~tltl,                                           D~d he gLow w~th OV\, otltlerworLO{LtJ L~gltlt
"Pr0tJ~v\'g os, I hove V\,ever pr0tJeo{--                      L~ize ~V\,Cl s,c,~eV\,c,ef~c,t~ov\' VlAov~e7
I foLLoweo{ herp0s,t o{oors, LobeLeo{ "FreV\,c,1tl oV\,LtJ"--
oV\,e VlAore pLoc.e I c,o v\'v\'ot foLLow.                     AV\,o{ I izV\,ow VlAtJfCl~th ~s, truLtJ goV\,e.
t-te c,orr~eo{ title c,ros,s, o LoV\,e.                        I gL~VlAps,eo{ 0 L~fe VlAore pure, s,~VlApLer.
AV\,o{ for the VlAoVlAeV\,t, I c,0V\, feel the fo~th os,       Not to be VIA~v\'e.
V\,ever before.                                                "petttJ weo izL~v\'g,
rto{oL ov\,o{ teVlApHv\'g.                                     Wors,e tltloV\, Clv\' Uv\'bClpHzed c,1tl~Lo{--
SweetV\,es,s, 0 V\,O{s,orrow--                                 I OVIAoV\,e who refus,ed bewus,e ~t's, too Lote.
lS~tters,weet, but geV\,tLe.                                   c,oV\,'t gother the c,ouroge I doV\,'t hove
                                                               to tClize thClt oV\,e b~g s,tep.
I 0 VIALos,t 0 v\'d 0 LOv\'e.                                  lSClC,iz ~V\,to title foLo{ I Left s,o VlAClV\,tJtJeors, ogo.
where ~s, s,ltle7                                              Are thetJ title s,heep or the fCl~tltlfuL?
she hClS, goV\,e ov\,o{ I w~th Itler,                          I ltloLo{bClC,iz teors"
C,roo{Led ~V\,the OrVlAs' of the s,uppL~c,oV\,ts"              Mourv\'~v\'g VlAtJ fo~th L~ize Cl VIA~s,er--
                                                               I wOV\,'t be here LoV\,g,
MtJ etJes, c.Los,ed ~V\,deotltl j us,t os, t-t~s,.             MtJ feor ~s, bu~Lo{~v\'g ov\,o{ I c.LeV\,c,1tVl lAtJ hClV\,o{S,
                                                               v\'ot ~V\,protJer.

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