Page 9 - Contrast2003
P. 9
Lake union :Socia! :Slave
by Eric W~ite~air f~,HUt 1I!t1~IJ$
This weekeno I spoke of suicioe 77td tjou know, the one moi! impu1,oned
to a woman 11,the one thatclaimed to foefue
with wonoerful e~es ;Shtd tjoUi puce/tU denial
like an empt~ grave OPtlt tjOUietje4
she spoke onl~ for a moment In doinj1,o tjou wi!!4et
anD tolo me it was an efficient wa~J /fou'it 4tuck in tjoui own 41aveitj
swimming to Lake union
just to see the sights /fou'u juM a 41aveto the iOu~ne
On Frioa~ An eXftltdaHepait in a foWtIt machine
Iorank martinis in Anothei pawn of 1,ociettj
a basement
Saturoa~ !Stinj pait of aJiOUf make1, tjou !jUnktjou'it ual
beer ano anger !Sut tjou 'it a pait of the otheu, eo« can not ful
on someone else's floor /foui iltltei 4t1f i41,Iippinj awUlj
Sunoa~ Ispoke f1101t and mou eveitj dUlj
of m~ own oeath
anD shoveleo oirt 77td tjou know tjou au jtt4t a 1,ocial41ave?
On Monoa~ Imight
swim out to Lake union give them alltjOUidainw ItUJ4
just to see the sights ;Showei them wi(1ttjoUi empw love
pon't evtlt Pttt to foetjouutlf
Flaet tjoUi fuPnJ1, foackon the4htlf
7iJt to fit in, tjou know tjou can
Hir/ein the4htll, lock tjouutlf Uf
;Swallow the htj fou1l1itUf
!Secome what tjou au meant to foe
Anothei mind/tU 1,Iaveof 1,ociew