Page 15 - Contrast2003
P. 15
from a sheet of construction paper summer; our place to play, to cry,
for this purpose. It wouldn"t t7e to t7etogether, and to t7ealone. We
until after dinner that Mommom would spend hours each day in
would reluctantly reveal the name Ethreal, regardless of the heat and
of our creation. I couldn"t wait. dirt and Mommom"s utter
disapproval. We had to enjoy it
We all sat on the t7ales around while it lasted, it wouldn"t t7e long
the designated tat71et7ale, covered until the men would take it away,
neatly with an old tat71e cloth. We one load at a time, until the t7arn
celet7rated our fort with kool-aid, would t7e empty, and the weather
spilling out of our over flowing would turn cold again. Until then,
plastic cups. Ethreal it was. The this was our place.
chosen name for our place for the
"Paris Bridge." photograph by Alicia