Page 10 - Contrast2003
P. 10
by sarah Colgan
B.~tter-coLd Vv~bbL~Vvg fi-Vvgert~-ps. cLolAds. 01Ls.s.oLve.
B.etJoVvd the s.wLVvgs.,
LUze AIAVvt B.etttJ's. lIU.eelVv L~ttLe Cl-1~hIAClhIACl. Cl s.1A-p-pLLcCVlvt -peelf<_s.
Clt the edge of heClveVv.
Des.-perClte for textlAre, blAt geVvtLe. DeLLghted ClVvd -pLolAs.,
edges. of AlArorCl, -p1Ar-pLe-goLd bOIAVvdLVvg dowVv the lIU.CltJClVvtellU.-pLe steps
to crtJ gLorLes. to -pres.s.LVvg wOrs.hL-p-pers.,
blAtterfLtJ w~Vvgs. dClVvce ClVvd bLlAr. rClLs.LVvg s.ClcrLfLce OVv hLgh ClVvd
cowerLVvg LVv Clwe ClS.the -pLolAs.
B.ed~oVv~Vvg the herd of eLolAd -cClttLe, Cl gClzeLLe theVv Cl blAcf<_
eLeel Vvs.~Vvg the s.LClte of tJ es.terd CltJs. -PClS.t, lIU.Clf<_LVvgObe~s.ClVvce before theLr etJes..
FLeeLVvg throlAgh the gClthered crowd,
W~S.h~Vvg for Cl WlIU.erCl
W~e the -petttJ tOlAr~s.t I CllIU., the s.tlAVvVved Clt the ClLtClr
seLf~s.hLtJ -prCltJ~Vvg recover to gLve chCls.e.
for oVve whoLLtJ IAVv~q «e lIU.OllU.eVvt. CLolAds. blArVved ClWCltJ.
cLolAds. -pClrt. A fLs.herbotJ wLth fClLthflAL dog
rlAVvs. to the wClterfroVvt,
A LOVvew~s.-p trClcfv; ClCrOs.s.the eLeelr~Vvg. LeClVvLVvg dowVv to greet Cl doL-phLVv
who LlArfv; btJ the s.hore to -pLCltJ.
A ch~Ld gClrbed ~Vv bLlAe s.f<_tJ FClr, fClr below, herds. of eLolAd-gClzeLLe
wr~ggLes. off ClVv ~vortJ COlAch, wClVvder grClceflALLtJ.
-pLClVvt~Vvg h~s. feet ~Vvthe lIU.~s.t-s.f<_tJ, he g rows.--
Now -P1As.hLVvg hLs. s.oVv OVvthe s.wLVvgs..
t-tLs. LCllAgh Ls. wOVvderllU.eVvt.
t-twrt rClcLVvg, the botJ trLes. to fLtJ,
fCl LLLVvg wLth crLes. of d LS.lIU.CtJl --
he f<_Vvows.hCl rs.h Vves.s..
CrCldLLVvg geVvtLtJ, f<_Ls.s.LVvg,hW LLVvg.
wrLVvf<_Led fClther WClVers. ClVvdjoLVvs. the lIU.Ls.t
to rLs.e ClgClLVv ClS.chLLd.
Above the -pLt of roLLLVvg crwtLoVv,
ch IArVvLVvg eLOlAds., tlAftS. of fLlAffLVves.s.
s.LolAg hL~g off oVvLtJ to retlArVv to the lIU.Ls.t.