Page 33 - Contrast1997
P. 33

it back on, I didn't fool myself that this was in  seats and a family of four. I sat down and said
any way a clever disguise. However, it gave        hello. They stood up and left.
me enough confidence to make my way back.
                                                     I decided, as I left Bristol, that I would lie to
  I reached the station without incident and       my parents. I changed my mind when I saw
was still in time to catch my train. As I stood    my father. He knew what had happened to
on the platform every eye focused on me.           me. As we left the station I told him my story
Every mind made assumptions about my               and then asked, "Can we tell Mum I fell or
character. Every mother swore their child          something? You know what she's like." I
would not grow up to be like one of my type.       should've known this plan would suit my fa-
What bothered me was that I cared what             ther too. We agreed on the story about the
people thought. I'm not a hooligan, I wanted
to tell them. I'm a decent person. My father's     steps.
a policeman, I go to a good school, I used to        Driving back to my grandmother's house, I
go to church. But they all knew different.
                                                   watched the reflection of my father's car in
  I got on the train. I was still scared. I en-    the shop windows as we passed by. "Dad," I
tered a small compartment containing six           said, "you should've seen me run."

Linear                                             Roxann Ingram

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