Page 29 - Contrast1997
P. 29

Suddenly you are falling. Or you have been          ible and long and frightening, Yes. But not
                                                    impossible. And so you step up, and each step
all along you just never noticed, there were        takes you further from that place. And some-
                                                    times you go down or in or up again. Some-
too many words to see. Farther, down, or in,        times it's too much and if you don't let some-
                                                    thing out you'll suffocate on your own
or perhaps even up it's so hard to tell. Then       thoughts and words and fear. And the give
                                                    of the flesh cries its own tears. Still you con-
somewhere along the way you can see the             tinue up, or is it down, or maybe out it's al-
                                                    ways too hard to tell, til you get to the middle.
bottom, though it never seems to get any            And that is the greatest fear of all. And you
                                                    think you are going insane. And this is The
closer, and you look up, or is it out, or even
down, back the way you came. Hope has                 Do you continue on this way, struggling to

never seemed so far away. And it comes to           face the fire? Or turn yourself back the way
                                                    you had been and make that final step to the
clear that to go back is impossible, the way is     end? And there are days when you can't move
                                                    from your bed because the terror is to great;
too steep, you have not the strength to climb.      and there are days when you cry so hard and
                                                    long that you can't see or breathe or speak or
So you continue down/in /up/onward be-              think; and your throat hurts from screaming
                                                    and your hands hurt from beating. And then
cause it is so much easier and there is nothing     there is the day when you make The Choice.
                                                    And it never gets any easier. Really it gets
left to do. And there's a point when you real-      harder. And scarier. But better in places.

ize if you reach the bottom you are dead. And         And I am still climbing ...

that doesn't seem so bad. And you no longer

have the strength to even wonder why any-


But you aren't dead. At least, not in the way

that would bring in the mourners. Itjust feels

like death. Though you still breathe. And

somehow you can always say tomorrow if it

gets too bad tomorrow ...but today i can hold on

....because of whatever it is. Whatever it is. And

then there comes the day when the way back

no longer looks impossible.  Terr-

       Stop These Voices                            Jay Day

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