Page 31 - Contrast1997
P. 31
Nick Gough
What am I going to tell my father? He'll be as the big game, it was an opportunity I had
at the station, waiting, and I'll greet him with to take. It also took me away from that awful
blood all over my face and shirt. He'll get picnic. I'm too old for that shit. Sitting on the
angry, panic and wonder what he will tell my beach at Weston, eating cucumber sandwiches
mother. She'll freak and say I'm never to go that slip and slide every time you bite into one.
t? a game again. Hell, she'll probably tell me No thanks. I'm going to the game.
I m not going out ever again. I'd better lie.
Maybe I can tell them I fell down the steps. "It's a cup game, Mum. It's important." I
don't think she quite understood. "I'll come
Yeah, that'll work. home straight away, I promise."
After all, I fell down the steps once before,
"I'll get there early so I won't miss him.
When I was five. The time Dad took me to Don't worry," said my father. I think she was
London Zoo with the cub scouts. I remember more worried than usual because we weren't
him being worried, because Mum would be in London and she knows I know my way
furious. She was. Even though Samuel had around. I've never traveled the thirty miles
~al1en off his tricycle that same day. It was from Bristol to Cardiff before, but how diffi-
Ironic that my baby brother got himself hurt cult can that be? All I'm doing is going from
the same time as me. He always did every- the stadium to the bus stop, to the station, to
thing I did. He bettered me in every sport, Cardiff. I'm not going to wear any clothing
b~t he was always a couple of steps faster. I that will advertise the fact that I'm cheering
~hmk that's why he was always Dad's favor- for the visiting team. I'm not going to shout
rte, He's only been going to football for a year out if our team scores. I'll be careful. I prom-
or so, and then only occasionally. I think Mum
worries about him too much. That's why he's ise.
such a baby. I've been going for nearly three
ye~rs now. Next year I'll be sixteen and I'm I kept my promise. Well, sort of. I didn't
wear any tell-tale colours. I didn't scream out
gomg to go
to every loud when
game. the team did
score. Twice.
This was I didn't leap
the first time up and
I'd gone to down, wav-
Bristol. mgmyarms
Mum's not in the air
too keen on when the fi-
me traveling nal whistle
to away blew and the
games, but Scum from
as the family London ad-
Were visiting vanced to
OUr grand- the semi-fi-
mother on nals. I left
the same day
Ben Johnson the ground,