Page 46 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 46


    There is a God in heaven whose quiet concern
    can be seen in the quietness of the rain
    Allowing one to hear the heartbeat of man
    like silent tears trickling, trickling down.

    Is the sky crying, Rain?
         for all the human hurt,
              suffering, and pain;

                    for the mother whose
                          child is covered in

                                     for the father stolen
                                          by and illegal drug;

                                                for the pit-a-pat of
                                                     little feet
                                                          momma's age 20 minus 8.

    Is the sky crying, Rain?
         for governments that
               control by mental and physical force;

                    for caring
                          has lost its place
                               to an ambitious race;

                               for love's not safe
                                    it can kill, condom
                                          required not just the pill;

                                               for peace ain't nothing but a
                                                     cross broken upside

                                    There is a God in Heaven
            whose quiet concern can be seen in the quietness of the rain.

                                      Is the sky crying rain?

                                                                            Darcel Harris

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