Page 44 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 44

This Should Be a Postcard

                  Honestly never thought I'd be writing a letter
                  to you from here. There's nothing else to do so
                  I am. I am sick of napping on my raw skin
                  in a row of others just like me _
                  like slabs of bacon lined up on Bounty
                  after the skillet. Didn't think I'd be missing you
                  from Key West under the sunset and
                  under a roof. There's nothing else to do so
                  I am. I am passing orange Gatorade and pain
                killers that look like Certs to the others. Oprah is
                  about a woman who aCcidentally killed
                  a boy crossing the street.
                  At least I'm alive on my vacation.
                  Vacation -
                  isn't that supposed to mean bliss?
                  Didn't think I'd rather be home in a blizzard
                  and under a roof with you passing blankets.
                  The lady on the payphone at the motel
                  next door says it's four hundred dollars
                  for a one way ticket
                  home. Too tempting and too much
                  to chop a vacation in half. Guess
                  I'll go back to my spot on the boxspring.
                  Spring Break on a boxspring writing a letter to you.
                  Didn't think I was supposed to have time,
                 but I do.

                                                                    Stephanie Lee

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