Page 43 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 43

The Ending of Me I    I've seen
                      the scene
these last few days   1000 times before
have been             yet
eternity              at this point
once life was         Icannot
is not                stop it from coming
what it is            its only
now                   a matter of
things change         tick
yes                   tock
true                  time
life                  its running out.
and sinks             another ghost
sinks below           shall haunt 16 W.
pink water            everybody knew
red water             its so sad really
blood red             that one could
drip                  place
dropping              happiness above everything
from my hands         else
my arms               how could that Queen
it fades to black     ever hope to
                      reach it
Iknow                 when all else failed
Ihave                 in her life
solved nothing        what makes her think
all answers           that now
go unheard            she could
~ike so many prayers  regain her
Its the Ending of Me  innocence
no good-byes          and love from youth
regrets only
to fools              don't cry for me
who stood a chance    its the ending of me
all bets are off      do you see
and the winner        ooh baby baby
has taken off to      the world goes round
be elsewhere.         and round
                      without me.
~watch my body
In that pool          where am Igoing to?
from slightly above
                      don't ask anymore.

                                          Todd Robinson

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