Page 20 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 20


    It is summer,
    It always has been.

    Children's laughter echoes in my head,
    And it is mine.

    Where did that laughter go?                    .

    I had it once in the palm of my hand on a summer night.

    Catching those fireflies in my hand,
    Peeping through a hole I'd made
    With my fingers, looking for the glow.
    Holes poked in haste
    In the top of a jelly jar.

    In their glass cage next to my bed I'd watch,
    Hoping to carry their light into my dreams.

    The warm sun on my face, like a mother,
    Gently shaking me from sweet
    Unremembered dreams.
    The Jar!

    Warm little hands grasp the glass
    Made cold from the chill of night.
    the fireflies lying lifeless,
    Amongst blades of grass.
    I shake it. But,

    they're only sleeping.

    their hard shells click against the glass,
    No light comes from tear-shaped abdomen
    they are dark, lifeless.

    I run to mother and warm SWeetmaple syrup,
    Fireflies forgotten.

    It's summer again.

    My sister and I sit in front of the TV,
    The warm scratchy carpet underneath,
    Drowsy from playing in the summer sun.
    Her mind taking her by the hand
    And leading,

    To where I already am.

    To daydreams of Our secret fort
    In the woods amongst the trees,
    To the smell of moss,
    And wet earth.

    And to games on the street.
    Tar, hot and black

    Beneath our tender soles,
    Cooled by rivulets in the gutter
    Bya washed car or watered lawn.
    My head full,

    Heavy with these thoughts.

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