Page 39 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 39

Fallen For You

Frightened to follow the disease of deceit   for the lover that left me,
through these slides that suppress me,       that pawned my romance- -
that claim my response- -                    for the friend that surrendered secerets
through these chutes that pronounce the
passage of time,                             in trust,
that steal from my words their honest        that passed through my fingers like satin
support- -
replacing my truth with pillars of lies,     0' er silk- -
J turn to the stars that stretch through     refining my screams to eloquent sighs,
the night- _                                 J witness the tears that terminate sight
each taking its place, assuming its role,    filling the eyes like afountain of doubt,
giving direction and offering light,         resting on truth but threatening to jump,
standing on legs that stretch through        flaunting their force in the face of the
faithfully forming their mountains of        breeze,
might,                                       half-wanting comfort, half-needing
defeating darkness, defying the fear
that strips from the dreamer his sleeping    escape,
reward.                                      releasing fury, bracing the relief
Ashamed to announce this circus of           that swipes from the widow her burdens
to the clowns that corrupt me,               and pains.
who laugh at respect- -                      Compelled to compose some new
to the beasts that surround the suffering    meaning of man
child,                                       in the mind that mistakes me,
that rape from my lips their innocent        that learns my routine- -
touch- _                                     in the heart that believes that beauty

converting my kiss to violent cries,         performs,
J look at the wire that whispers in fright-  that searches for knowledge, finds only
expressing concern - -responsible skill
for the lustful life of the acrobat          faith- -
patienlly crossing the pitiful pool,         accepts that certainty certainly dies,
bravely befriending security's bridge,       J focus on love, to learn about flight,
taunntng the threatening, desperate death    spreading its wings while reserving the
that takes from the master his balancing
rings.                                       right
                                             to occupy space, to harness the hope,
Convinced to confess this demanding          to weaken, to conquer its worldly vice,
desire                                       to soar past the realm of reality,
                                             to separate the truth from the lie, and
                                             to prove that whenfalling, one's

                                             learning to fly·

                                             Kyle A. Wallace

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