Page 35 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 35

The Oddities of ''The Boob Tube"

"I've fallen and I can't get up"     Stretch their underwear's
Clap on your lights, Mrs. Fletcher   waistband
You lazy, remote wielding fool       A cartoon rabbit starves
Get your fat derriere out of bed     Because Trix isfor kids
Turn off your television             Chia Pets sproutfur of green
The static filled box                Housewives worship
A battalion of one-dimensional       the Dirt Devil
beings                               Timex takes a licking,
March across the stage               keeps on ticking
A stage of glass tubes and wire      A pink hare
Massengill is a gift from God        Faces your screen
See the sun after the rain           Pounding out his monotonous
Nytol will help you get your zs      symphony
As you sleep                         Remington shaves as close as a
You dream of power                   blade
Power portrayed by paid players      Or your money back
Smiling as they chew their gum       With a baby-smooth face
Smiling about their yeast infection  You gulp your Pepsi
Is your coffee really fresh-brewed?  You've got the right one baby,

                                                   Adam Kline

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