Page 42 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 42

Found and Lost                      Outcast, but not downcast,
                                    the ship, now wiser, searched
A gal/ani, young ship               for another harbor, one
put to the open sea.                that would accept him
He sailed through storm,            for who he was.
 doldrum, and calm alike.           Hefound such a one, two,
 For years the schooner             four, a score, and was
 needed no more than                rebutted repeatedly, never
peacefuL seas and a strong breeze.  quite giving up hope, though it became
But the seas grew rougher           harder with each
 with each passing year,            successive failure to try again.
 and he longed for a safe berth,    At last, the dispirited schooner
 like all the other frigates        had enough of rejection, and once again
 and man 0' wars hadfound.          put out to sea, this time
The eager ship spied                to sail the world round;
 a beautiful cove, where Some       he didn't need a harbor.
 of his friends had rested.
He checked his paint,                      Passing beyond sight
riggings, and deckfor defect,       of land, he glimpsed
a norhtwest breeze drove him        an atoll in the distance.
to her rocky jetty.                 Putting his latest resolve
Anticipating something wonderful,   to rest, he sped toward her,
the two-masted boat tacked up       having nothing to lose,
and down wind, mustering every      and everything to gain.
ounce of grace to impress           He stopped short of her
the calm, sheltered harbor.         gleaming, white sand;
Just as he approached               her magnifying waters; and
the gap in the rocks,               the reefs of myraid color.
wind and water assailed his bow;    This was no ordinary atoll,
Turning the bloated sails           he told himself, this
in on themselves,                   brilliant diamond on an
Dashing his port side into          azure blanket.
the stony landing,                  Something special had to be
Driving him back out to the         done to win her favor.
sea vehemently,                     So he approached the ivory
Laughing at his attempt             horseshoe without shame of his
to impress her.

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