Page 11 - Contrast1991FallCarpeDiem
P. 11

Just Another Weekend

It was such a party.
  Two dollars at the door, get handed a cup, all you can drink, people, music,

dancing-so cool, cheap and all one could want. Not everything, the beer was
pretty weak, but if one drinks it fast there is no taste.

  Erin must have drunk six cups this way-quickly. She did not like getting
drunk on beer, but it was something to drink. Gawd! was she thirsty. Dancing
made a person sweat and at least beer was liquid. Of course, it did not quench
the thirst very well ... Her body felt numb-alive! Oh, strange and tingly-
but on the inside; whenever she touched something it was like touching
nothing at all. She was floating and she believed if she looked down there
would be a cloud; yet that would not be good, she was afraid of heights.

   The music was good. So, so good. She had been in a dancing mood for a

while now. Opportunities should
not be wasted. There were some
guys around her , a few girls
drunk enough to go onto the
dance floor, yet mostly people
gathered in the sidelines to watch. A guy, some guy, tall, good looking - he
began dancing behind her, touching her hips, moving to her beat. Itwas cool.
This was nice, dancing with someone near her-touching. She missed
touching, someone feeling her--oh, it sounds rather aweful, but it was not, it
felt good. After the music ended, who would be there? She glanced around
for her friends, but they were not around. Then the music did end, the guy

stayed near her, talking.
   Itwas fascinating. A kind of blurry image that did not have to clear up. He

told her his name-but she did not remember. He did not go to this school-
really? oh, ok, no problem. They kept talking, a conversation that towards
the end of it she already forgot. He was so nice! she thought. .

   "Erin, let's go in here." He said. A nice, deep voice. Nice.
   Nothing happened in the room. There were a few people talking- smiling,
waving hello-seeming to know the guy. Moments later they left, to go

someplace alone? Erin only hoped.
   The last stop was a bathroom-in a bathroom stall, the wooden paneled seat

in the showers where she sat waiting. Oh, she was not quite sure why she sat

                                                                             Continued on next page

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