Page 7 - Contrast1991FallCarpeDiem
P. 7

Turning the Pages of a Shell

The seashell lies within the sand
The unopened book is awaiting my curiosity

As I lift it and gaze upon it with a questioning mind,
The cover bound in wonder has been opened.

Its autobiography is imprinted clearly
Among the colored grains of its existence

The pages are a little tom
From the travels the sea has taken it.

As Iplace my ear to the entrance,
The pages crackle and rustle

Thousands of people and places of the past and
Flood My mind with every emotion.

In stories never told before,
Their voices crack as waves on the shore.

All within one shell
Lies a man's questions and answers

The title is missing, as well as the author
Who so ingeniously crafted this masterwork

 Credit will not be given where credit is due,
 Because the sea will be its only reader.

                                               Kristin Viek

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