Page 16 - Contrast1991FallCarpeDiem
P. 16

May First and Ten                                           And I shut him out
                                                            Contemplating whether I will look yOU
On the first                                                in the eyes
Three-hundred miles from your arms
Is farther than I can stand                                                             when I say
So I sit within ten                                         goodbye
Ten days standing before me                                 Three holes in the clouds
longer than three-hundred miles                             to show blue through gray

Ten days to pack                                            Without
                to cram                                     Thunder-rumbling darkness
                to arrange my affairs                       closing in
                               their furniture
Ten days to pull                                            knowing day one is
                         one                                coming to a close
                         by                                 you lie in bed
                         one                                approaching midnight
                                                            approaching sleep
                     from my calendar
                                                            Without my words
Ten days left                                               reaching
               to leave                                     you

           to take my leave of you                                   I force sleep
                                                                       on tired eyes
I awake at four                                                        still seeking a sight of yOU
in the cold left                                            On the second
by the arm you withdrew                                     Hate turns to Envy
from my shoulder                                            His son pulls me in
Pacing day one of ten
with fever and pain                                                    pulls you from me
                                                            And I greet the third
At ten of one
                                                            in raging tears
Hate faces me in red and black

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