Page 10 - Contrast1991FallCarpeDiem
P. 10

The Crayon

Thick quiet settles on the room,
        Blossoming minds are pondering,

Overflowing with simple thoughts
        Not caring where they're wandering.

The girl besides me - she holds a crayon,
        Its waxy point is dull and black;

She drags it hard across my skin,
        My eyes well up; I turn my back.

Not wanting her to see the tears.
        The rivulets run down my skin,

I try, but cannot hold them long,
        They burst out time and time again.

She holds her crayon and smiles and laughs,
        The black mark etched into my arm;

And though I cry, I am still young
        And do not truly know of harm.


Her laughter still rings in my ears;
        I wonder why I lost control,

And sigh, for I was lucky then _
        Sometimes the marks can stain your


                                      Jonathon Boehman

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