Page 13 - Contrast1985v27
P. 13


       My senses have left me
       It's no wonder they hate me
       I live in confusion
       In this institution
       The world all around me
       You'd think that they'd tell me
       It's falling apart
       But they haven't the heart
       I dream of such great things
       I wish I could grow wings
       Yes then I would fly
      And kiss this goodbye
       But here I am tied down
       In this ridiculous night gown
      On a hospital bed
      I'm crazy they said
       But I can still have dreams
     . Better than reality seems
       Yes they say I'm insane
       Cause I live in my own brain
      But I go where I please
      In my mind with such ease
      Any time any day
      So who's crazy I say
      I've walked on water
      And flown in the sky
       You pray to your altar
      And think you'll live when you die
      So what is reality
      Is .it something that you see
       Yes I may be insane
      But I don't complain
      1'/1just hide in my own mind
       Where I know life will be kind
      And I may be crazy .
      But who are you to say.

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