Page 14 - Contrast1964Spring
P. 14

suspended from the high ceiling and the richly     d-enrly and thought what a fii n e grou P of jus,t-
 paneled walls looked like a Hohenzollern          ices h'e had Co work Wiitth. Th e nex t mor,nl,fig
 castle to Uncle Mac. His eyes followed slowly     Uncl e Mac was found 1, 0 th'e same pOSIt,iOdn
down the wall to the mural which portrayed         w'ith a broad 'srru'I e on hiIS face. He was buned
Justice with her leveled scales. The rich
colors of the mural were more beautiful to him     in Huckleberry Hollow. HI,S h ea d -s ton,e f Jrea.sts-
than a prai rie sunset. The sun from the win-
dows high above the balconies shone brightly       in large letters, "Uncle Mac - Our Chi e u
on the pure white periwigs below. The justices     ice. "
sat at their individual desks straight and in-
tent. Below the mural, 'si tting on a large high-        If you should visit Huckleberry, HollowI
backed chair, sat the chief justice of the high    today, you will see Uncl e Ma.cs, tr.aveI!' Jouorpnean
court of the land. His strong hand gripping the    in the lobby of Mayberry Mus.eum. It fi es l'm-
gavel with confidence and his earnest facial       to the first page where Unc 1Me ac l e t an
expression were justice to Uncle Mac.
                                                   port anr message.
     That night Uncle Mac sat back comrortably
in the big arm chair in his hotel room. His old    "If anything should happen to me on othpilse
white head nodded as he dreamed. There he
was sitting below the mural sporting a gleam-      trip please tell the ChoI ldren                              aanvderythhecomplaepdlieetse
ing white periwig. He held the gavel confi-        of th' e Hollow that my l 1if e was

                                                   and good one. And be sure to tell t e "

                                                   to stay as young and pretty as they are.

                                                        Uncle Mac never missed a c han ce for a

                                                                                                                Nancy Miller

                                                                           THE PASSING

                                                    The dark cloud rushes forth
                                                    Incloses the sky
                                                    As a wave of the firmament forth breaking.
                                                   Undeciding in shape.
                                                   Unknowing in size.
                                                   There above it flows,
                                                   Seeming large,
                                                   Larger than large
                                                   Overpowering in a swirling spell.

                                                   Soon it passes under its own will.
                                                   As it passes the sheer brightness peeps from beneath,
                                                   Delight is reborn through the eye to the heart.
                                                   Soon a firmament of jewel blue-gold is the world.
                                                  The black gone with a sigh
                                                  Vague in mind once past by.

                                                                                                 Ann Weinstock

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