Page 34 - Contrast1958Winterv2n1
P. 34

"What did everyone wear last year?"
        "What are you wearing this year?"
        "What is So-and-so wearing this year?"

        Just as the Girl has about resigned herself to the fact that she
  will have to wear her OLD gown, word comes through that the girl
  in the other dorm isn't wearing the same gown at all. It seems that
  she was going with a boy from home, but she had a fight with him,
  and now is going with his brother, who saw the gown when her girl-
  friend wore it once. So our Girl will not have to wear her OLD gown
  after all.

        By now the dorm hall looks like a combination dress shop and
  Chinese laundry, with gowns hanging from light fixtures, in the
 shower, and from door jambs. And every room has an ironing board
 barricade, swathed in sheets so as not to let the gown drag on the
 floor. (Who has time to sweep in these times?) Fuses blow as ten
 irons are plugged in at once. The big night is here at last, with an
 hour to go before HE calls. The line forms for the shower, water
 pressure drops as all showers are in use. Then no hot water, then no
 water at all! Panic! But after a short delay the water comes on again,
 cold, but on.

        And so the gown is carefully steamed in the showers, pressed
 with wax paper, taken in, let out, and put on at last, ready to go. A
 quick poll is taken of the girls on the hall:

        "Are you sure it's not too tight?"
        "Are you sure the color is all right?"
       "Should I wear more crinolines?"
       "Is it too bare?"
       "Too short?"

       By now the hoops, crinolines, stockings, ,bags, gloves and wraps
are all in the possession of their rightful borrowers. One last look in
the mirror.

       "HE's late. HE's not coming. I know it, I know it!"
       The squawk box bellows softly.
       "HE's here! I'll be down in a minute!"
       Another last look in the mirror.

       "I can't wear it. I'll spill on it. I'll fall and tear it."

      A mad rush to the store room and the clothes bag. Zippers are
zipped, shoes changed, and the OLD gown, the graduation gown is on.
Hair combed again, bag, wrap, and other various paraphernalia gath-
ererd up, and down the stairs.

      After twenty minutes she is ready. Our Girl is flattered by his

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