Page 33 - Contrast1958Winterv2n1
P. 33

      This is said in the most desolate, stunned tone imaginable. By
this time the Roommate has fathomed the cause of jubilation, and,
as usual, has a suggestion.
      "You could wear the dress you wore in Millie's wedding."
       "THAT thing?! It's so CHILDISH, and HE'S a SENIOR!!
Besides, the shoes don't match right."
       "Well, you could wear your graduation dress, with your stole ... "
      "I COULDN'T. I simply COULDN'T! Don't you remember,
last year I loaned it to Ann, and she and Al doubled with Sam and
Judy, and HE (the BOY.) is Sam's cousin's best friend and HE prob-
ably knows that it's an OLD gown!"
      The Roommate doesn't mention the Senior Prom gown.

      "Daddy gets paid on Wednesday, and if I write home tonight.
send it airmail, he will get it on Thursday, and if he writes Thurs-
day night and sends a check, I'll get it Friday ... just in time to be
too late to buy a gown!!"

      So that rules that out. Next comes the figuring of sizes:
             Roommate ... too small.
             Phil is. . . . too short.
             Barbara ... too tall.
             Ann . . . not speaking to her.
             Micky ...
                                           AH HAHII

       "Say Micky, do you ever think back to the gay times we had
last year? Remember the grand time we had at the Fall Dance? You
sure looked neat in my blue gown. Blue is your color, you know. It's a
good thing we are the same size. Well, what I came in for was to bor-
row a stamp. Got a spare one? Say, are you going to the Prom? You
aren't? Then you won't even get a chance to wear your new gown,
will you? I want to go, but ... WHAT WILL I WEAR? Oh, I
couldn't. You haven't even worn it yet. But maybe I should try it on,
in case I ever get one like it. Blue is your color, you know ... Its pink?
Gee, pink is my color, too. Well, I'll just try it on. Thanks for the

stamp. See you."
      Her problem is solved. She has SOMETHING TO WEAR. It

fits fine, the color is right. She is all set ... until Jill mentions that
Sue knows a girl in the other dorm who is going to wear the same style
gown! Naturally, she can't wear Micky's gown now!

      Meanwhile the Girl is checking on vital information necessary

in deciding what to wear:

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