Page 120 - YB1992
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C).\PBO).\R.D Movies, dances, comedi- Cynthia Zeiher, as well as 01- brought various cultural per- ans, magicians These are fieers Michelle Kloss (Presi- formances to WMC, as well as just a few of the activities thai dent), Trevor Wysong (Vice taking a number of students to CAPBoard, WMC's College President), Jennifer Johnson off-campus plays, including Activities Programming Board, (Secretary), and James Mar- Les Miserables and Phantom is in charge of organizing. lin (Treasurer), the six com- of the Opera. The Second CAPBoard is the main cam- miltees of CAPBoard headed Stage Committee was led by pus-wide social organization, dozens of programs through- Julie Simmons, who spon- bringing students from all ar- out the year. sored all CAPBoard activities eas of campus life together Gary Creighton, head of the held in the Pub. All campus- through its activities Matnstaae Committee, was in wide special activities were For the past few years, in- charge of planning all CAP- planned by Erica Guenther and coming freshmen have started Board activities held in the the Special Events Commit- the year off with Casino night, Forum. The campus movies tee. And perhaps most impor- an annual CAPBoard activity shown in Decker Center, the tant of all, Jeremy Verne As the year progressed, CAP- Pub, and outside were pre- headed the Promotions Com- Board continued to entertain sented by the Films Commit- mittee, which informed and us through its many programs tee, headed by Chris Cutler. brought students to all CAP- and activities. Headed by ad- The Performing Arts Commit Board activities. visors Mitch Alexander and tee, headed by Karen Downs, Plctionary Is a great way to get all CAPBoard members together. . .. - , " . President Michelle Kloss and Sec- ~1.:~~~~ retary Jennifer Johnson plan th~ next CAPBoard activity. 114 Organizations
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