Page 31 - YB1991
P. 31
Fun With Food The ever-popular pizza can be delivered to Decker Center by Domino's, Pizza On Wheels, or Fox's. Other frequented dinner and taste good. Whether that spots were Pizza Hut, Frisco's means Mom's home cooking, Ta- and Forbidden City. co Bell, or Glar to you all de- If you didn't want to spend pends on your taste buds. money for fast food and had the Englar dining hall is definitely advantage of living off-campus not the only place students go to or in a PA house or garden eat. On nice Saturdays, Glar apartment, you could spend a lit- sometimes held picnics on the tie time in the kitchen. In these Quad complete with grilled hot days of microwaves, even stu- dogs, chicken and hamburgers dents can manage to heat some- On campus, there is also the Pub thing up. Cooking can actually in Decker and numerous vending be fun! And since Super Fresh is machines. Monopoly's and Little open 24 hours you can always George's convenience store is just find time for grocery shopping! down the hill from Whiteford. The only bad thing about cooking your- sell is doing the dishes. J.J. Boggs deans Eating Habits .... 27
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